really discouraged, need advice - Page 2

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  • #1374795

    so I failed FAR again.

    using Becker, started sitting for FAR a year ago

    11/30/15 – 62 – had not finished all of the Becker lectures or homework, did not expect to pass and thought I made about a 60 when I walked out of the exam. Candidate Performance Report (CPR) showed Stronger in Gov’t and Weaker in everything else

    01/14/16 – 62 – had finished Becker lectures and homework, thought I scored 77-79 range, BUT when I went to get my “certificate of attendance” it said generating and then asked me to save an Excel file. Prometric people called their IT who said they could see a CPA exam saved at 3:04 pm, but I didn’t finish until 3:47 pm. fought with Prometric and AICPA for 2 weeks and they said they “found your exam, all 4 testlets were opened and it would be graded with normal scoring. the CPR said Weaker in everything

    05/21/16 – 72 – had re-watched all Becker lectures and reworked all homework. CPR said comparable in Specific Transactions and Sims. Weaker in everything else.

    09/08/16 – 70 – had reworked all homework and a bunch more progress tests. got some old flashcards from a colleague for FAR 1,4 and 5 and also studied them about a hundred times. Bought Ninja Notes and read them 4 separate times in the 2 weeks before the test. CPR said Comparable in Specific Transactions. Stronger in NFP and Weaker in everything else.

    11/28/16 – 73 – had reworked most of the homework questions, written my own flash cards, re-wrote the Ninja Notes 2 times. Read the Ninja Notes 5 more times. Haven’t gotten the CPR yet.

    I just don’t know what else to do. I’ve passed all the other sections and even BEC 2 times because it expired. Now, REG has expired and I will have to pass it again too.

    I’m really discouraged and down.

    I work at a CPA firm. I enjoy my job, but would like to be promoted. That isn’t possible without the CPA certificate.

    Am I really just not smart enough to do this? I felt really good about this test. There was only 1 question that I had no idea what they were even talking about. I plan to retake in January and have my Application ready to mail tomorrow. but what do I study differently? what am I doing wrong?

    BEC - 8/8/16
    REG - 66, 77
    AUD - 81
    FAR - 9/8/16

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  • Author
  • #1479001

    update I passed!


    on to REG which expired 11/30/16

    BEC - 8/8/16
    REG - 66, 77
    AUD - 81
    FAR - 9/8/16


    I could also use some advice. CONGRATS!!
    Can you offer what you did and some advice?? I really hope to pass FAR before my BEC drops off.



    Wow congrats.

    I was started reading from your first post and then the replies. Suddenly I see your update saying passed. Wow great job 🙂

    You already passed REG and you know what to do.

    Congrats again 🙂


    @spartans92 I reworked the MCQ's and sims.

    I also wrote my own note cards and used them and the Ninja notes in addition to about a million MCQ.

    BEC - 8/8/16
    REG - 66, 77
    AUD - 81
    FAR - 9/8/16

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