Question about Next Part to Take

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  • #1651301

    Hello everyone! So I am in a bit of a pickle. I took FAR for the first time last month but got a 71 on it. So now I am just getting back to studying again but I am unsure of what part to take. Normally, I would just study for FAR again because the content is fresh in my mind. However, when I paid for FAR the first time, I also paid for BEC and that part is expiring November 25th. So I have two options: study for FAR for two weeks first, take it, and then study for BEC for about three weeks and take that next. OR: study for BEC for three weeks, take it mid-November, and then study for FAR for about three-four weeks. I would like to take both since I would prefer not to pay for BEC again and FAR is changing in January. Any advice is greatly appreciated!

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  • #1651307

    Keep at one exam it until it's passed.

    BEC is a mini-far. It's not likely to pass in 3 weeks of study unless you are very strong in that content already.

    What program are you using to study? How many MCQ did you get through for FAR? I did over 1200 and 1400+ would have been indicated for a knucklehead like me but ymmv.


    Keep at FAR. I didn't, biggest mistake of my life.


    Stay with FAR – no doubt. Try to knock that Beast out while it is still fresh.


    @M123 I am using Roger to study and I did about 1200-1300 MCQ's on my first attempt. But I'm not sure if I can pass it if I take it two weeks from now, however.

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