Prometric availability – screwed

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  • #3008913

    I scored a 74 on FAR back in I think it was November and I’m just now going to retake it next Saturday, 5/30. I always try and take my exams on a Saturday so I don’t have to use personal leave from work. Out of curiosity, I went out to Prometric to see what the availability would be for AUD which is the next section I plan to take – keeping my fingers crossed for a FAR pass. Today is May 24th. There isn’t any openings until August 25th. Three whole months. Three whole months???

    I know it’s due to people not being able to take exams while they were closed; so that already backs it up. But, then add onto it that they are limiting the number of people in the test center at one time and that only compounds the limited availability.

    This seriously sucks. The next closest center is around 3 hours from me and I’m just not into driving and staying somewhere overnight. Can’t afford that.

    Anyone else also sick of only being able to use a 2 week search window in Prometrics updated site? Used to be a 3 months window search? At least give us a month at a time? Geez.

    Hope everyone is having a wonderful Memorial Day weekend. And, if you served, thank you for your service!


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  • Author
  • #3009156

    How prepared for far are you? It could take awhile to prepare. When will this exam’s score be released? Twelve weeks might do nicely.

    FAR 7/25/15 76!
    AUD 10/30/15 93
    BEC 2/27/16 82
    REG 5/23/16 88!
    Ninja Book and MCQ and the forum - all the way!!!
    and a little thing i like to call, time and effort!
    if you want things to change, you have to do something different


    I'm doing a review for FAR over the next 4 days and THINK I'll be as ready as I can be for the test this coming Saturday. The score will be released on June 9th I think is the date I saw.

    You don't think 12 weeks for AUD is too long? I was thinking at most maybe 8 weeks?


    I guess you're right. I'm not really counting the weeks correctly. For some reason, it seemed longer in my head until I looked at a calendar 😉

    I guess the end of August actually wouldn't be too long at all.


    For what it is worth, I started studying for AUD on Feb 28th, and wasn't able to sit until May 19th, so I think that's about 11 weeks or so? While it did feel a bit long, I am kind of thankful for it. Gave me extra time to review things, and re-write my own notes and the Ninja notes, we will see how thankful I am score release. You should be fine, AUD was very tricky for me, so having that extra time I felt helped me greatly. Use the most of it.

    I second that. I dislike Prometric's scheduling process now, it is terrible. I much preferred being able to view 3 months, and see what dates are available. I also find their current process doesn't even show all availability, unless you click on a specific day.

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