Prometric announced that they are closing.. - Page 3

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  • #2963543

    I just found out that on the Prometric website that they are closing until Apr 16…

    I feel kinda relieved but I am wondering if they would adjust the expiration date for the subjects that I passed previously. I am soo worried that I might take those subjects again!!

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  • #2964497

    I think this link has already been posted here but my concern with it is that it says they will “recommend granting an extension” it doesn't say that it will be granted as well as “Due to shutdowns of many board offices, the decisions to extend conditional credit will not be finalized until Boards resume normal operations.” I want to believe this will be OK but it's definitely disconcerting.


    @LFRANC8 I have to disagree with you. While I admire you studying whilst sick. It is not “fair” to blame it on the virus because it was conveniently happening at the same time. I'm sure others have had to study whilst sick during the flu season or allergy season or whatever it may be. I understand that failing by a point is painful but calling it “unfair” while basically the entire pool of CPA candidates is struggling is kind of borderline whiny.

    I believe what would be really fair is if the Boards granted an extra month at the very least to everyone's 18 month credit considering anyone who's started on the journey is affected by the month-long Prometric closures.


    Completely speculating here but I'm wondering with all the data being released, what is the likelihood that we will somehow be able to be proctored from our computers at home? I used to do that for my online courses and it was easy to set up. I guess we'll have to wait & see how this plays out but I'm fairly confident that we won't be able to start testing in mid-April based on the news updates.


    @Kay while I understand your point about me being “whiny”. To think this didn’t affect anyone who took a test from March 1 to March 10 this testing window is unfair. I know many people are worried about being paid if sent home, if you can find TP in your area (which if you can good for you!),if you can get baby wipes, not mention their families and many may now be home schooling kids. Just because the test centers closed today doesn’t mean that this hasn’t affected anyone in quarter one. I am sure every state board will be different in deciding who gets extensions.

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