Probably A Stupid Question

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  • #1443815

    Hi guys,

    I just need some clarification. I’m beginning to create my schedule for studying for the CPA and am looking at the documents I need to fill out before I start studying. I came across an example of someone’s NTS and was curious about one part of it. For each section it says the “earliest you can take the exam” and the “latest you can take the exam”, which is a six month period. What if I study 9 weeks for FAR and AUD each? That would pretty much take 6 months. Does this mean that I would miss out on the other parts? I don’t think so but I’m kind of confused.

    Also, do you guys follow the general rule of studying for a part, taking the part, studying for the next part, and then scheduling 45 days out from the exam or do you take a section and immediately schedule when you will take the next section?

    Thanks for the help!

    P.S. – Sorry if these are stupid questions…

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  • #1443848

    I think the process is slightly different depending on your state. But basically, whichever sections you think you can fit within the 6 month window, you pay for those first and get your NTS just for those sections. Then you have to do that process again for the other sections. Does that make sense? So for me, first I filled out my application for FAR and BEC, paid for them, and received my NTS for those sections. I scheduled FAR in October and BEC in January.

    Next, I'll fill out the application for REG and AUD, pay for them, receive my NTS, and schedule them when I'm ready. I don't schedule my exams until a few weeks before I plan to take it. I just give myself enough time that all the slots aren't going to be taken, but close enough to know that nothing will probably come up that prevents me from being prepared.

    The only thing I'm not sure about with scheduling exams is with the changes coming up in April. I'm planning on taking REG in March and AUD in May, so I may have to apply and pay for them separately since one is before and one is after the changes. I'll have to look into it. If you're planning to test before April, it would probably be a good idea for you, too.

    Anyway, good luck to you! The whole applying and scheduling process seemed really overwhelming and lengthy to me at first, but it actually ended up being pretty simple and quick. Hopefully you have the same experience. If you're confused about the process, I would call your state board and have them walk you through it.


    Thanks, Allie530!!

    I really appreciate you taking time out to thoroughly answer my question. I understand the NTS stuff much better now.

    Also, good luck on all your exams. I wish I was able to an exam before the changes come but oh well…

    Thanks again!


    Definitely check with your state. I’m in SD, so my NTS is good for 12 months. My state board is super quick, so I’ve just been applying as I need them. It only takes about a day or two to get my NTS after I’ve paid.

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