Previous employer won’t sign off on my experience

  • Creator
  • #2890161
    Biff Tannen

    I previously worked for a family owned CPA firm. I worked there for less than a year and moved on to a different opportunity. The partner that hired me doesn’t want to sign off on my experience. I left the firm with a 2 week notice – not sure what I can do this in this situation? I really don’t want to go back into public accounting – it seems ridiculous to have to go back to public accounting to get an employer sign off, when I already have the 2,000 hours required

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  • #2890815

    Does your state require a partner sign off? Could you get a manager to do it instead?


    What state are you in? Some states have rules about this and the board can compel the signature.
    Have you received a reason for them not signing off? Did you give 2 weeks notice right before tax season?
    Lets hear the full story, and your state and we can try to help.

    Biff Tannen

    @recked this is in Texas. I did leave right before busy season. I had another job that offered me better work life balance and a nice salary bump. I had to do what was best. But I did put it a 2 week notice to avoid burning bridges. I should clarify – the partner is not refusing to sign off – he just hasn’t responded to my emails, which leads me to believe he is just blowing me off


    Well, that seems like a completely different situation than what your original post suggested. How many emails did you send? How long ago? This is busy season, after all…


    I am not sure if Texas will accept the NASBA experience verification, but that's one thing to look into.
    Depending on how long it's been I might try and follow up with a phone call, or potentially call and make an appointment to see them.
    If that doesn't work you can show up in person. Keep applying pressure, but also keep in mind busy season and all.
    I wouldn't push too aggressively, as they can easily come up with some acceptable excuse regarding your work ethic or something similar.

    Does your work experience at the firm qualify?$ext.TacPage?sl=R&app=9&p_dir=&p_rloc=&p_tloc=&p_ploc=&pg=1&p_tac=&ti=22&pt=22&ch=511&rl=122


    Texas does not participate in the NASBA experience verification.

    Can you tell us more about your new job and how long you have been there?
    If you no longer work with or under a licensed CPA, there is a chance you can use your new employer's CPA firm to vouch for your experience.
    The Texas rules for what is allowed work experience is pretty broad, except for the non-routine accounting bit.

    Biff Tannen

    @everyone he just sent me the signed forms. I was just getting a bit impatient and thought he was ignoring me. Thank the lord!!


    NICE!!! Congrats!!!

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