Practice Exam Shenanigans

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  • #1673375


    First time poster here, long time follower. If anyone has insight into this nonsense, please advise:

    I took audit in Nov ’16 and Jan ’17 (Hail Mary on the second go around pre tax season) and didn’t sink this sucker (63 and 69). I purchased Becker this time and have been averaging 85-90% on the MCQ and about 85% on the simulation situation station – those scores have been through both Wiley and Becker. Feeling good considering the amount of time and attention I’ve devoted to getting this jam down, and the material is more solidified in the think tank.

    That being said: took a Wiley practice exam last week and got a 79. Becker last week was a 77 and today it was a 78. What in the chicken, y’all? Is there anyone out there that has dealt with this and did just fine on the exam? Didn’t feel like this going into the other three exams and don’t want to be over confident and bomb it.

    Thanks in advance for sharing your experience!

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  • #1673378

    You can search for the threads but I think if you are scoring high 70's on both Wiley and Becker practice exams you should expect at least that, if not higher on the actual exam. Do you feel that you are getting run down or worn out due to the longer time staying focused for the practice exams?
    Can you pin point any deficiency that is leading to the lower scores?


    Thanks @ReckedRacing – I feel a little burnt out generally speaking, but don't feel brain dead when going through the exams… there aren't any areas where I am trending weak either, it's more of a “oh yeah, of course that's the right answer” or pretty obscure questions. I've also seen those threads and am using them to keep up the mental encouragement, just not sure if I need to create more chapter outlines or walk away and have a cold beverage, ha.

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