Postponing exam and feeling bad?

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  • #3303349

    Hi guys. So I passed REG back in January and was planning on taking BEC. I did a huge mistake. Instead of focusing on Becker, I went out there and purchased so many supplement material that I never really grasped the concepts. Also, in my honest opinion, I think Becker did a horrible job with the current version of BEC. A lot of mcqs were not even covered in becker.

    Anyways my exam is scheduled for June 7th but I literally feel lost and mentally I am not there. On top of that, I get married June 12 and taking our honeymoon afterwards and feeling bad not quite “being there” prior to our wedding. I know if I do sit on the 7th, I will not pass. I haven’t even done all the mcqs for B2, B6 or B4 and any sim, nor any MOCK. I haven’t fully reviewed variances or IT. I think I got COSO down and ERM.
    Is it ok to feel bad about postponing the exam? I know many fear the “July changes” but honestly I am looking forward to them with the new IT stuff. I am more of a conceptual person and hate finance. Also, they are getting rid of a lot of the annoying ECON parts that I hate. Maybe the new version will have better “mcqs” who knows. I come back from the honeymoon by end of June.

    Sorry, needed to vent, I feel bad, but I think mentally is the right thing to do. Something inside me says “fuck it take it and if I fail and at least you know what’s in it” but see if I fail, I can’t retake until after the July changes. Also, I know this sounds corny, but I take pride in sitting for the exams and going in there just not feeling at least 50%, well I think is both a waste of time and not correct.
    If anyone can relate, please let me know. Thank you.

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  • #3303391

    I think you made the right decision so you shouldn't feel bad at all. One reason why so many people fail is that they take the exam, not fully comprehending the material. Their mindset is since ive studied for six to eight weeks, i should be ready to pass this exam. You've passed REG so you know exactly what it takes to pass BEC. Good luck!


    First of all, congratulations on your upcoming wedding! I would not feel bad, a wedding is a huge life event where the planning could be both exciting and very stressful etc. leading up to it. Since you have put some time into it, you could just go in there and throw a hail mary, you never know. But I completely understand and think it would be fair to yourself and your fiance to be there completely with him/her every step of the way for this great upcoming occasion. I would have discussions with your fiance, which you probably have already, and explain that after you are married how much time and dedication this is going to take for you to study and go through this process. The CPA exams are very difficult to pass and take a lot of dedication, but I wouldn't worry too much about the changes that they are going to make. Yes, it would be nice to take it before the changes but there will be study material to help you prepare just like there has been whenever there have been other changes. Bottom line is you have to be honest with yourself and do what is right for you and your family. Congrats again!


    I've passed exams and have never taken the mock exam. I don't think they're a good gauge on how well you will do since you really don't know what your exam will be like. So not taking the mock exam isn't something to be concerned about, in my opinion. It's really up to you. You can risk it and maybe pull a 75 on exam day! You really never know. But whatever you choose, don't feel bad. I'm also taking BEC on June 5th and I'm on the last section today. I plan to just drill questions the next couple weeks. I've tried to reschedule later in June but there aren't a lot of available spots in my area so I'm stuck with my exam date. Congrats on getting married! No matter what, enjoy your wedding and the honey moon and get back to reality when you come back. Good Luck!


    No, it is not ok to feel should feel great! This is your journey. You are in charge and answer to no one but yourself. Get married. Enjoy your honeymoon! When you return, pick a study pkg, focus, study and pass!
    Enjoy your life. Live a little! Have a joyous day and a happy life!

    FAR 7/25/15 76!
    AUD 10/30/15 93
    BEC 2/27/16 82
    REG 5/23/16 88!
    Ninja Book and MCQ and the forum - all the way!!!
    and a little thing i like to call, time and effort!
    if you want things to change, you have to do something different


    Look. Here's a lesson to learn about marriage. HAPPY WIFE HAPPY LIFE.

    If you don't want to screw up your marriage or wedding (which you pay lots of money) or honeymoon (which you also pay lots of money). It's probably just better to push it back (since you don't feel like it anyway). Just be sure you have the power to get back on track. Marriage is definitely more important than a CPA license.

    I personally will not feel bad. Just accept this fact, things happen in life. It's not the end of the world, you can fix it. Anything that can be fix is not the end of the world. Besides, it cost too much energy to feel bad. Spend some of that time to look at MCQs before your marriage…..?

    New York - NYC
    Passed CPA Exam (11/2014)
    In search for a position in NYC that will fulfills the license requirement.


    Appreciate it! Yes I will order the new books with the changes June 1st and grind after I come back. Tax season got to me since it was extended, but practically have from July – December free in terms of any big work stuff.


    Will your NTS expire if you reschedule? If so I would say go ahead and cram as much as you can and sit for the exam. Spend the next few days working through Becker Final Review if you have it. Hopefully it will give you a good enough high level overview of everything to get you a passing score. Definitely check out the skill master videos for the first few writing sims in final review to get an idea of the written communication format. I took BEC right as my NTS was about to expire. I nearly left halfway through the exam because I was so frustrated. I hung in there and got my score today and I passed with an 89. You have nothing to lose by trying.


    One thing you will learn about this process… you will feel bad about EVERYTHING!
    I remember I felt like any time I spent not studying, or if I didn't hit my goals for the day or week, I would feel bad. I have this drive to just keep going at all costs.
    It wasn't healthy, and I don't recommend it.
    To say don't feel bad about it, is easier said than done.
    You have to learn to accept the things you can't change, or however that saying goes.
    Postponing the exam is not the end of the world, and it sounds like you have a strategy.

    But there is always that chance that you might pass, and be done with another one.
    Pros and cons to all decisions. Just keep an eye on that clock, 18 months goes quick!

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