Post Bacc Studying for CPA

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  • #1723594


    I have 4 more accounting classes and will be done in June. I am a post bacc and I am married and my wife is supporting me so I can study full time. I am wondering when I should begin studying for the CPA exam?

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  • #1723691

    @tobywoby I'd say get a jump on it as soon as you can. There's no better time than “now.” I waited 6 years after graduating undergrad to start studying for it. I made it through, but it wasn't easy. I guess you can take a little break after graduation and just enjoy being married for a little while, without the stress of studies. But get on into the CPA exam studies on the sooner end, for sure. I know that's vague. ESPECIALLY get it done before children, if you all plan to have children. I passed my 4th and final section right before we had our first baby. I don't think I could've done it as a father.

    Good luck to you!


    I would suggest doing it ASAP. I'm married, and we have an 18 month old. I started my Masters program when our daughter turned one. My MAcc program prepares you for the CPA exams and requires you to take each section before graduating. This process is sucky regardless of what stage in life you are in. I really hate that my studying interferes so much with our personal lives, and that my husband is having to make sacrifices, too. I want nothing more than to spend all day every day with my family. That being said, I would rather get this over with now while our daughter likes to sleep and doesn't see my stress; than later when our daughter is older and has school, friends, and/or sports. This is a temporary situation, for a lifelong achievement.

    The longer you wait, the more responsibilities you'll have to juggle with studying.

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