Plan of attack pending score release

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  • #1841216

    With the score release next week and me feeling not so confident in my AUD performance AGAIN, I wanted to seek some advice from everyone about what my plan of attack should be over the next few months. I took AUD in Q1 and got a 74. I took it again in late April and left the testing center feeling just as frustrated as I did before when I received the 74. The SIMS killed me and I know they did most people, but who knows. I passed BEC and REG on my first try, and I lose REG in August and BEC in February of 2019. I am a tax guy, so if I have to take one section again, I would rather it be REG than anything else.

    I am currently studying FAR, and I feel like it is going well and making sense. I plan on sitting for FAR in early August. I lose REG on August 18th, and my lovely wife planned a family vacation for August 11-18th, so I am somewhat limited on study time in that month. My question is this – If I failed AUD, would you recommend scrambling and taking a break from FAR, then retaking AUD as soon as possible, then jumping back to FAR? I feel like that would have an adverse impact on the routine and flow I feel studying for FAR. I have even thought about taking my AUD exam in Florida at the beginning of my vacation just to squeeze it in.

    This would all be much easier if I pass next week. Any input is greatly appreciated.

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  • #1841246

    Because you took AUD at the end of April I would just recommend that you finish up with studying for FAR as long as you are a decent way into it. AUD was 2 months ago for you. At this point, whatever is left in your brain from AUD is there because you actually understood it. Everything you merely memorized is probably gone anyway. If you failed I think it would be a good idea to haul a$$ with FAR and get it done by at least the end of July. Then take AUD in August. I don't know how it would work out with REG… would they let you sit for REG if you took AUD and FAR before the REG expiration? (If you can I would aim for Sept. 10th for AUD) (If not I would move AUD to the date before REG assuming the expiration is toward the end of august… If the expiration is at the beginning of August and you can't take REG in that window you should just take AUD on September 10th and take FAR early August.)

    Also for AUD, they changed the reports for issuers. So even if you remember the issuer report from Q2 it wouldn't matter because they changed it in Q3.

    I'm really tired. Disregard this if it's totally incoherent.


    if you passed AUD – continue studying your butt off for FAR and take it in August before your vacation

    if you failed AUD – continue studying your butt off for FAR and take it maybe in mid-July. Then jump right into studying for the AUD retake and take it the last possible day you can in August before your REG score expires.

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