One last shot - Page 2

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  • #2246124

    So I’m at the end of my 18 month window. Got the dreaded 74 on my last exam, REG. I’ll lose FAR at the end of March. I test on Saturday for REG again and I’ve decided that this is it…my swan song so to speak. I passed FAR and BEC on the first try. Failed AUD twice with a 74 both times and passed on the third try. Got a 70 on my first REG attempt. I refuse to retake exams I’ve already passed. This ordeal has been nothing short of a nightmare. Buckets of money and time I’ll never get back. I’m not even sure it’s something I want anymore. I look at my kids and my wife and feel nothing but guilt and regret for taking so much time away from them. In hindsight I wish I had never started the journey.

    Kudos to those of you who can be dedicated enough to take, and take, and retake these exams without giving up. I just wanted to thank everyone for their contributions. I lurked more than participated but I’ve definitely utilized the message board. Good luck everyone!

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  • Author
  • #2277693

    I'm really glad you decided not to give up. Keep pushing!! Good luck!


    Sorry about REG. I admire your dedication and perseverance to continue pushing through this! You can do this! Good luck!

    CPA Hunter

    I dont know why I feel like you will pass both REG and FAR in Q2. Good luck to you.


    Glad you decided to keep going. It sucks to have to retake a section you already passed and it's hard sometimes looking back on the sacrifices you make to take this journey but you were so close! Keep pushing, you got this!


    I know how you feel OP. I have now taken AUD 4 times and FAR 4 times. I lose BEC April 30 and I have fought too long and spent too much time away from my family. I am getting burnt especially when I have scored 71 and 74 most recently on AUD and 73 and 71 on FAR. I am giving one last attempt on each and pass or fail I am done…


    g75 any updates?

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