
  • Creator
  • #1476700
    shawn in VA

    Hi Everyone,

    Just wondering how people balancing busy season work, studying CPA, eating healthy, kids and spouse (if applicable), friends, exercise, and manage to eat healthy.

    I have noticed without 7 hours of sleep, and if I don’t eat healthy and exercise I am just a mess and not productive. I am in my mid 30s so this may not be an issue for those in early 20s since energy was unlimited at that age for me at least

    I have stopped happy hours, hanging out with friends, and most family as well. Seems like all I do, is work, commute, sleep, study, the most necessary errands, and a few moments with wife and 2 kids.

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  • #1476718

    Sleep – 7 hrs/day
    Exercise – 3-4 days/week
    Nutrition – Most important. Eat healthy errrrr day all day
    Hang out w/ friends – None

    You can live that life when we are done studying and have passed all EXAMs. CPA = Opportunity and living the good life


    I was a marathon runner and completely stopped running. The weight gain and unhealthy eating habits are killing me. I loss all motivation and don't want to get out of bed. I would definitely take 1.5 hours a few times a week and hit the gym. My productivity sky rockets. Hopefully one part left and less than a month to go!

    AUD (08/02/2016)


    Daily walks are great…particularly at night if you live in a safe neighborhood.

    Nutrition – avoid fast food COMPLETELY. Or if you absolutely need it, do it 1 or at most 2 times a month. Failing that, avoid fried foods and stuff with a high amount of fat.

    One thing not mentioned yet but I'll add it – stay away from smoking, alcohol, drugs. Occasional alcohol fine. Smoking has been shown to decrease immunity to colds/flu, in addition
    to its other obvious health detriments.


    I am not balancing these things with the exam. I work a 9-5 so I don't have to deal with the busy season at least. However, I still come home and don't want to do anything. This has put me in a terrible position to take FAR in just a few weeks. I put myself in a catch-up situation right away with FAR. I have AUD up next and I'm hoping to keep a better study schedule right away so I can have some kind of balance in my life.

    For me at least, I think part of being able to keep that balance is just keeping a tight schedule. Once you put yourself in a catch-up situation like I have, you get the snowball effect.

    shawn in VA

    I like to walk as someone mentioned , but the weather makes that a challenge. Fried food is def. out. Before busy season I would study until 5 or 6 on saturday and go out to drink a few with friends. The issue was on Sunday I spent half the day recovering from a night of drinking and it was not worth it so I stopped that. So many sacrifices…


    I sacrificed sleep and lots of it. I told myself if we survived sleep deprivation when our kids were infants this wouldn't kill me.

    Licensed Massachusetts Non Reporting CPA since 2012
    Finance/Admin/HR Manager


    As you try to keep your eyes open and keep plowing through, you start making mistakes because you're tired. Keeping with normal sleep schedule is important. Without proper sleep, you will be no good the next day, and the day after, and the day after. Normal sleeping times every night, 7 hours minimum, is imperative for most people.


    I am your age. I didn't leave the house the time I was studying. I went from half-marathons to 5K's, and even then my time slipped a minute per mile. It sucked, but there's nothing you can do about it till you pass.

    I am aiming for two half-marathons in May.

    AUD - 74, 99 !!
    REG - 74, 92
    BEC - 83
    FAR - 73, 86

    Studying for Ethics exam

    California candidate
    Business and Industry


    This is what I am finding to struggle with the most. I am the type of person that needs sleep. I cant function and certainly cant remember anything without it. So when I read about people that stay up until midnight studying and then wake up early it is discouraging because there is no way I can do that. I do try to get 30 mins of exercise in the morning before my day starts, then study on my lunch hour. And most week days I aim for a couple hours after work and more on the weekends. But I just started and with how long its taking me to get through just the first chapter of FAR I think I need to adjust something. Finding a balance between work, family, house keeping, sleep, and taking care of myself is going to require some adjusting I think. Its stressful.


    Everyone can still have a balanced life if they take a “normal”, non-accelerated approach to passing the 4 parts. If you want to pass them all in one testing window, then yeah, you're not going to be leaving your home or eating or sleeping. I don't know why people do that, but everyone has their reasons. If your goal is to pass them within a year to 18 months (before your first one expires), then obviously you can go about your normal activities. You should be able to get exercise and do your usual recreational activities and whatever else.


    I am not trying to pass them fast…IF I can pass them I think it will take me a year at least. But I also worry about stretching out any one exam too long, and then starting to forget what I studied in the beginning. I am mostly worried about that with FAR…which is why I may give myself a 3 week review period to refresh my memory on what I studied in the first couple chapters.
    And I still find it challenging to fit everything in. I just started so maybe I am still trying to hold onto the hope of having some kind of life besides studying. I probably just need to face the reality. lol Its a learning process and an adjustment.


    Absolutely get enough sleep. Try to finish study sessions at a decent hour before going to bed, so that your brain can process what you have learned and “write” it to your mental hard drive. I had to force myself to quit studying sometimes, but this actually worked for me.


    Here I GO:

    Last busy season. I managed to get 7 hours of sleep during busy season. My days used to be 6am-5pm the first 3 weeks and the last weeks were 6am-6pm. I try to limit myself to healthy snack our firm brings and stick to no coffee after 2pm. I then come home. During busy season my husband does the pick ups and drop off, so I only need to come give baths, read story and put them to bed by 8. Then I get on Beach body on demand and do 30 min work outs M, W, F AND t/t I do stationary bike. I take a shower and go to sleep. I take care of hubby on the weekends. LOL.

    This busy season is actually going to be about the same. Sundays I try to do fun things with the family and simply skip church for two month. We go to parks, eat out, catch up on things kids didn't understand on weekly homework etc.

    Kids know that during my busy season they have to do homework in their after care, and for the most parts they do. As for healthy eating. The company provides lunch and sometimes I get to choose what I want so I choose wisely. Sometimes is chinese or something fatty that they get, then I take may portions and split it between lunch and dinner.

    With kids, both parents need to be willing to commit to teamwork or it will NOT work. Off season I pick up my kids early everyday and they have plenty of mommy time. IMO its better to have 2 busy seasons than a BUSY YEAR.


    I forgot to mention. I don't do any CPA study during busy season. I simply cant.


    As far as nutrition, we've had to make some life style changes in order to keep my diabetes away. We have eliminated many carbs and have turned to a high fat-low carb way of eating (ketogenic). This includes lots of bacon, eggs and avocados, who doesn't like that menu. I can tell you after about 3 to 4 weeks my energy was up, my mind was clearer while studying and didn't have the cravings for food while studying.

    After getting home from work at 4:30 pm I study for about 3 1/2 to 4 hours. I try to stop between 8 pm and 8:30 pm. Head to bed and the alarm goes off at 4:20 for the day. On weekends sleep until 6 am, those are our sleep in days.

    I use to run 3 miles 4 times a week, until last year when I stopped to increase study time. Now my wife and I will take a walk on the weekends just to get some fresh air and enjoy the nice weather. Eating high fat-low carb while not exercising the past six months has been interesting in that I've lost about 20 lbs and feel much healthier and my concentration is better.

    FAR - 84 - 11/14/15
    AUD - 76 - 2/6/16
    BEC - 73 - 7/13/16
    REG - TBD

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