No Sleep Night before Exam

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  • #1509565

    Anyone else not been able to sleep the night before an exam? For FAR and BEC I scheduled for 12:30 because I was able to take the entire day off work. Knowing that I did not have to wake up early helped me relax and I was able to get a solid 8 hours of sleep. I’m an idiot and decided to schedule REG for 8 AM, and only got about 30 minutes of sleep. I couldn’t stop running Mnemonics through my head haha.

    I drank 2 five hour energies right before walking in to the test center, and I believe it was a miracle that I stayed awake then entire exam and was actually able to focus. Anyone else have a similar experience, and if so any recommendations on how to not go into freak out mode the night before an exam?

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  • #1509573

    My exam is tomorrow and I took melatonin to help me sleep last night and will tonight. I rarely take it, but it is very helpful when I need it. I got like 9 to 10hrs sleep last night.

    BEC: 80
    REG: 75
    FAR: __, ?/2016


    If you're finding it REALLY difficult to sleep, I would try to work out or maybe have a glass of wine, something that will make you tired so you can knock out the moment you land in bed. There are some serious nerves the night before but at this point, you either know or you don't. Have faith in your studying and know that you did enough to pass. Anxiety only makes it worse.

    I'm the complete opposite. FAR and AUD was taken at 8 in the morning and I headed to work right after (I could not keep justifying taking PTO for this ridiculous test). The others were taken on weekends or I was able to get paid taking it.

    Good luck!

    Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved - Helen Keller


    BEC 80 (10/23/15)
    FAR 72 (4/2/15); 83 (7/11/16)
    REG 52 (4/28/15)
    AUD (9/9/16)

    Roger + NINJA MCQ + WTB

    Substantive Testing

    I took Nyquil the night before the test, and coffee after waking up. That helped me to stay focus and pick the best answer for each mcq.


    @tygolfer I am so glad I'm not the only one! I had my day before the test all planned out to do 60 MCs and then head to bed early. I even went and did an intense HIIT workout in the evening to ensure that my body would shut down. I drank a glass of extra strength sleep time tea before bed, but somehow found myself not able to sleep until 1am. I then woke up 4am tossing and turning, dreaming that someone covered me in a pile of tax froms. LMAO! I woke up at 6am to load my kids into the car to go to daycare and could not fall back asleep for anything. That being said I did not feel too bad energy wise today for the exam. I did slam a “brain tonIQ” hippie drink from the health food store before my test though.


    I had this problem for AUD but it was my first test, so I was really nervous. Since then I have failed BEC and passed FAR, so I am a little more comfortable with how things work and what to expect at the exam center I test at. I've never been one to relax the day before the test, but once 7 or 8 PM hits I just say, Whelp, I've done my best nothing to it but to do it. Then I quit worrying about it until the next day. I watch some netflix, eat some popcorn and enjoy the rest of my evening. Right before bed I do a pass through of any notes or formulas I feel I am sketchy on and take a shot of Jim Beam and go to bed and sleep like a baby. On testing day I am nervous, but it is a good, focused intensity. I actually feel the way I would before a football game or wrestling match, like I'm going into battle and that I'm going to kick some a**, but I am calm at the same time. Weird.

    Anyways I'm going into a slaughter tomorrow with my BEC retake as I just took FAR a week and a half ago and didn't retain as much info as I thought I would from the first time I studied for BEC. I'm hoping my knowledge in ECON, CORP GOV, and IT can carry me through. Really want to get this sucker knocked out so I don't have to take the new format, that's the only reason I'm cramming like I am. Good luck to everyone!


    I've been able to sleep OK before the exams. However, for this last one I had three separate dreams that I went to the test center without my NTS including one where I was trying to locate the email it came in, but had deleted it.


    I just had a huge bowl of ice cream that will hopefully fuel me for another 1-2 hours before I pass out. Just the extra “umph” I need so I can crush REG tomorrow 😀


    I've got REG at 8:00 am tomorrow and I'm still reviewing. The thing is, I'm not stressed. It is a very chill review of my notes just cementing everything one last time. As long as I get 6-7 hours of sleep and some caffeine in the morning I'll be good for a three hour exam.


    I laughed at the covered in tax forms dream. But yeah I find it hard to sleep not just the night before the test but a few days leading up to it too. I get so nervous and am way less productive in my studying because of it. My first exam, I went into the testing center and the guy actually asked if I was okay because I looked so nervous lol. I plan on taking a melatonin tonight to try to help for my afternoon exam tomorrow.



    Same. I am feeling at zen or maybe I have reached some sort of higher level of consciousness from all this focus and studying put in for REG the past month.

    Really looking forward to crushing it tomorrow!


    @Brickell– Good luck tomorrow!! I have a good feeling we'll both do well on this one (knock on wood). I'll be looking out for you in the score release thread.


    Yup, my first test which was REG I slept about 2-3 hours, my mind wouldn't stop running. I was also nervous for the Prometric center for some reason, had this idea that a Prometric center was like as intense as the boarder crossing or something. Anyways, made out just fine which helped calm my nerves for BEC. Still got anxious and woke up a couple hours early but still had a solid 6 hours of sleep. Hope this is the beginning of a trend…

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