Next Steps

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  • #2109078

    I have failed AUD for the third time. First two tries I got a 72 and some how regressed this last quarter to a 65. I felt more confident after each try. I was honestly shocked when I got the score. Feeling pretty lost and I don’t know where to go from here. I passed BEC a year ago so it expires at the end of May. Not sure where to go from here, extremely discouraged.

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  • #2109111

    Hey Keith,

    I also failed Audit last quarter with a 74 :(, but just checked and passed this quarter with an 87! I looked at my report before and scored weaker in the MCQ and compareable in the SIMS. I used Becker, and my advice is to strategically take the audit exam. What I mean is that I analyzed the AICPA blueprint and saw that only part of module 3 and all of module 4 could be potential SIMS. So, I studied and memorized 1,2,5 like the back of my hand; how an audit report is in order, atteststion vs. review. I did that because those were the MCQ that I knew I was going to get. When I took my second mock exam the first time I got a 72 and thought I was fine, but Becker asked mostly MCQ from lecture 4 and so I only reviewed that lecture (hardest material for me). Regardless of your reviews material, I strongly recommend strategically looking at what the AICPA will throw at you through the blueprint and hammering MCQ and specifically looking over SIMS that deal with completeness vs. existence etc. Keep your head up and keep going!!


    @Noah , Thank you. That is a good a approach and I will try to follow that for the next exam. I scored stronger on the MC in the on the test last quarter and weaker in the Sims. Really curious to see the breakdown once it comes out.

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