Need link to a past post on complaint for extension that was denied

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  • #1872430

    I recall reading a post about 4 to 6 weeks ago about someone who was denied an extension on an expired exam and this person proceeded to file a complaint to a higher authority in her state. This higher body got involved and as a result a 9-month extension was granter across the board to all CPA candidates from her state. I cannot find this post. If anyone is familiar with this post, can you please post the link. Thks in advance.

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  • #1872835

    I passed the exam back in December. Before that I struggled with the score delays like many of you are right now. My state was refusing to provide me with an extension and I remember how frustrate I was with the process.
    What I did was completely bypassed board of accountancy after getting the run around from multiple people in the office, including the executive director. I contacted the State Attorney General and filed a complaint against the State Board. I was then contacted by the Deputy AG who offered to step in and resolve the issue. The State board went back and adjusted their decision not only for me but all candidates. They gave a 9 month extension. I will not give away the exact details at what I said but I only had one test left to pass and the delay cause me to miss an opportunity to retest. You may also want to be prepared to show how it cause you financial and economic stress.
    Cannot hurt to try in you state. If you want to get really technical you could point out the inconsistencies between states board decisions.
    Good Luck!
    I passed the exam back in December. Before that I struggled with the score delays like many of you are right now. My state was refusing to provide me with an extension and I remember how frustrate I was with the process.
    What I did was completely bypassed board of accountancy after getting the run around from multiple people in the office, including the executive director. I contacted the State Attorney General and filed a complaint against the State Board. I was then contacted by the Deputy AG who offered to step in and resolve the issue. The State board went back and adjusted their decision not only for me but all candidates. They gave a 9 month extension. I will not give away the exact details at what I said but I only had one test left to pass and the delay cause me to miss an opportunity to retest. You may also want to be prepared to show how it cause you financial and economic stress.
    Cannot hurt to try in you state. If you want to get really technical you could point out the inconsistencies between states board decisions.
    Good Luck!


    I contacted NC board over 2 weeks ago asking what's the process to apply for extension. The person I emailed said that someone would answer my question the next day. The next day came and went. I waited and waited to hear back, then finally asked for an update via email. The same person said the guy was out on vacation and that she would remind him Monday (today) to respond to me. Still no response. I am beyond sick of the state board and AICPA at this point. I don't know how much longer I can deal with this process. I am only a few weeks out of having an expiring score and have to do two retakes within that time. Score delays screwed me up big time this year. I am a slower learner and I work full time/ over time so having to rush to take these exams because of score delays is setting me up for failure…I'm honestly doing as much as I can. Studying in the mornings, during lunch breaks, hours in the evening and practically all day on weekends.


    Thank you for the link. I am in NY and I am about to try this out in NYS


    All states should honestly give those on the borderline an automatic extension. It would be an easy fix for them, instead of giving undue extra stress to the candidates. I am lucky that I just started out the process, but I can imagine the anxiety for the candidates who work at their jobs + study + families + having to deal with the updates and test score delays!!! God bless and BEST OF LUCK!!!

    FAR: 76
    REG: Currently studying


    Did you pass all CPA exams before you asked for the extension? According to my knowledge this is the requirement for the NYS. How long did you wait for the NYS Board decision after you sent the required documentation?

    Good luck to you. Be positive!


    Thank you for sharing your experience. How long did you wait for the whole process of the extension?



    I just pasted someone else's experience along with the link to their original post that was requested. I had no issues in my journey to the CPA


    @rencpa, I passed all 4 exams, but FAR expired in Dec 17. NYSED denied my request for an extension. Response time was 7 days.


    I am about to file a complaint to the State Attorney General's office in NY. Does anyone have the contact details of the appropriate person to send this to, or the appropriate department. I will be sending my complaint via email.


    General Helpline: 1-800-771-7755

    Office of the Attorney General
    The Capitol
    Albany, NY 12224-0341

    I think you have to file the online form first, so in this case, what form would best apply to this situation?

    FAR: 76
    REG: Currently studying


    I could not find a form for such an issue. I sent a ‘contact form' requesting the name and email of the appropriate person who will deal with this issue.


    I contacted the State Attorney General's office in NY multiple times via phone and email. No response yet received. I left voice messages, no one returned my call. I completed the ‘contact form' requesting the contact details for the appropriate person or department for dealing with this issue, no response. This is an exercise in mental stamina. Does anyone have the contact details of the appropriate person to send this to, or the appropriate department? I will be sending my complaint via email. I will appreciate any help in this matter.
    **I cannot use the online complaint forms because they do not have an appropriate form for such an issue.

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