NEED advice – Failed again

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  • #199875

    I have now failed BEC 3 times with a 74, 73, 73. The 74 hurt the most because if I would have passed I would have been done, but unfortunately I didn’t and lost my REG credit as well. So after that I bought NINJA MCQ to supplement my CPAexcel materials. I believe I was trending in the 80’s (cannot check since my subscription expired). That did not help as my score actually dropped.

    On my third attempt, I started from scratch with my CPAexcel materials as if I never studied for BEC. I read the entire book, watched every video, took detailed notes, did almost all of the proficiency questions (T/F questions), did every MCQ and ended up with about 2 weeks of review time. I was averaging an 89% during my review, and even took a practice exam (which I have never done) and got a 90%. I felt extremely prepared to put BEC behind me, however, I got a 73.

    I am not sure where to go from here or what to change in my study approach, but any advice would be greatly appreciated.

    BEC - 74, 73, 73, 79 DONE!!!
    AUD - 69, 75
    REG - 73, 77 (Lost Credit) 82
    FAR - 74, 76

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  • #756962

    Did you actually KNOW the answers or just knew them b/c you recognized the Q b/c you have seen that same worded Q over and over again?

    I fall into that trap of false confidence. It's hard to tell you what you should do. What I did when I failed FAR was skimmed each chapter (notice I didn't say read) and then did a ton of Q's. I tried to write and rewrite a lot of JEs and other notes.

    BEC - 77, 03/2015 (first try)
    FAR - 79, 05/2015 (second try)
    REG - 83, 12/2015 (first try)
    AUD - 84, 03/2015 (first try)

    I got 99 problems but the CPA ain't one.


    I thought I might have been remembering the answers which is why I used Ninja MCQ the second attempt. On the third attempt I made sure to work the problems entirely, even if I thought I remembered the correct answer.

    BEC - 74, 73, 73, 79 DONE!!!
    AUD - 69, 75
    REG - 73, 77 (Lost Credit) 82
    FAR - 74, 76


    Are you understanding the concepts? If I recall financial management, it, and cost accounting is huge on it. I would make your own flash cards with the formulas on it and really study those along with doing ninja McQ. I used Becker and I think it did a great job. Also make sure you are leaving enough time to do the written communication part of the exam and writing a solid memo because that 15% is almost a freebie.



    One of my trick is using to test my knowledge of understanding first. The best part is it is totally free. You got access to around 400-700 MCQs each section. Those MCQs attacks your understanding of the concept. I usually did this after the lecture. I did that and pass all my parts at first time. I hope it helps! I am sorry that it takes you so long, but don't lose faith. You CAN DO it!!


    @mccorm1202 did you get to the review stage of Ninja MCQ?

    This is my first time taking BEC, and I must pass the first time so I dont lose my FAR credit.

    I used Wiley CPA excel (just the book), to start and found it to be very difficult to understand. I only when through the book once and felt like I retained nothing.

    I signed up for Becker live classes, and I never used Becker before. The live classes did not help much, but it made me rush through the material that Becker provides. I watched the lectures and did the MCQ.

    I felt like when I went over the Becker book while taking notes and re doing the MCQ is when it started to help.

    I also bought the Ninja 10 point combo, but mainly for the MCQ. I did read the IT section for the Ninja book since Becker does a terrible job with that section. Still feel like IT is weak for me.

    I felt like chapters 1, 2, 3, and 5. in the Becker book did a pretty good job for Cost accounting, budgeting, financial management, etc.. and chapter 5 is Economics.

    I also went through the wiley test bank after my review with Becker and got an average of a 75. I only went through the answers once.

    I am now strictly using Ninja MCQ since it did help me in my past exams. Here and there I will review formulas but mainly just cranking MCQ.

    Right now my Ninja Stats are:
    Average: 83%
    Trending: 84%
    Hours: 36
    Total Attempts: 2054
    Questions not seen: 203
    Questions not answered correctly: 367
    Total Questions: 1354

    Just wanted to let you know how I am approaching BEC, hopefully it will be enough for a pass.

    I have about 7 days left of studying which I plan to hit the review stage for Ninja MCQ. Probably around 3000+ attempts
    I might spend one day to practice the writing section.

    I was wondering how you were doing on ninja MCQ and exactly how long you spent on it.
    Dont give up you have the basics down by now I say reschedule as soon as you can.

    FAR 81
    AUD 65, 84 (Used Ninja MCQ which I say contributed to my huge increase in score I love you Jeff)
    REG 87 (CPA excel Wiley Self Study Book, Ninja 10 point combo)
    BEC 86! I Must Pass or I lose my FAR Credit, Pray for me(Becker, Wiley, WTB, Ninja MCQ, Ninja Notes)


    Using : Wiley CPA Exam Review Textbook, Wiley TB, Ninja Notes, Ninja MCQ


    @Stgeorge I only used the Ninja MCQ for about a month when I took BEC the second time just to supplement my CPAexcel questions. I used my CPAexcel materials for my last attempt.

    I have REG scheduled in less than 3 weeks, but after that I think I might get the Ninja MCQ again and do nothing but questions.

    BEC - 74, 73, 73, 79 DONE!!!
    AUD - 69, 75
    REG - 73, 77 (Lost Credit) 82
    FAR - 74, 76

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