NASBA Reasoning for Score Delay

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  • #1505836

    “The delay in the score release is necessary to provide sufficient time to statistically validate candidate performance on the new exam”

    Does this pretty much confirm the theory that the pass rates are kept around the 50% mark regardless?

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  • #1505841

    I don't care what anyway says, I believe regardless of how you do on the exam, if you score higher than 50% of the other candidates in that quarter, you pass! After taking three exams and seeing my score, I believe that theory without a doubt.


    @Goingallin it would appear that that definitely factors into their grading in my eyes as well. I'd call it forced ranking. No matter how well or bad you did, everyone in the score release gets dropped into a percentile and those over what ever percentage they want get the magical 75 or higher. Remember it is not a percentage correct grade. In theory you could get 80% of the test right and still fail because who knows what the individual questions are worth. Maybe those you got right were all the absolute minimum points and all the wrong questions were worth 10 times the minimum point questions each?

    First go at the CPA! Only using Becker
    Reg / Nov 2015 - 87
    Far / Apr 2016 - 79
    Bec / May 2016 - 80
    Aud / Aug 2016


    The words “statistically validate” see to confirm. Kind of gives you a different outlook. Only need to do better than 50% or so of the test takers.


    I suppose when someone ask if they should take the exam even though they are not ready, the ones that are ready, should say “YES TAKE IT”.


    Yes, I've believed this from day 1. You need to do better than half that took the exam when you did. That's why you never know until you know. Chances are if you struggled, lots of others did too…


    Interesting theory. Seems possible.

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