March 19 Score Release

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  • #2962223
    Biff Tannen

    Who’s waiting for the March 19th score release while self quarantining? Is there a possibility the scores will be released the day before? All jokes aside, good luck to everyone!

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  • #2962235

    I'm waiting for my FAR score. I felt crappy about the exam after I took it last Monday and spent the first few days not feeling confident about the chances of passing. Now I just want to know my darn score already so that I can be completely done or start restudying if I did fail. Come on March 19th or March 18th if they release a day early.

    Biff Tannen

    @Pdiddy love the user name bro. Bad boys for life! I’ll find out this week if I passed my last section and finally done with this exam! Good luck


    “Is there a possibility the scores will be released the day before?”

    I've had 4 scores so far, all of them came the evening before. Assuming things haven't gotten delayed, I don't see why we won't get them Wednesday night.

    Ugggh this wait is the worst.

    Biff Tannen

    @Docj I’m sure you passed!


    Good luck, you so close to be done! I'm waiting for my BEC score.


    I’m waiting for my REG score. I did not feel good walking out of that exam 🙁 I think I’ll have to retake it Q2. I just want to see my score to get it over with!

    Ralphie Dos Nachos

    Hoping I'm all done on score release day

    Biff Tannen

    @tiramisu how did you think you did on reg? How were the sims?

    Ralphie Dos Nachos

    2nd testlet i think got harder. Sims I don't know if I got the research right annoyingly. IRC has by far been the most difficult to use in order to find the correct answer for the research. I think I got partial credit on a bunch more so I really don't know 🙁

    Captain Awesome

    I am waiting on March 19 score release as well for REG which would be the end of my journey if I pass. I felt really good leaving the exam, but don't want to jinx it so I am remaining cautiously optimistic since nothing is in the bag until the score comes down. The typical candidate wisdom states if you feel you passed you failed and vice versa. This has not held true for me as I've had a pretty good read on how I did coming out so hopefully that feeling remains accurate.

    I felt the MCQ's were fine and I caught some tricks they threw in there which boosted my confidence. First two sims I think I aced, next three were more difficult and I started to get worried that things were going down hill, but the last three sims were much better and I know I aced the research question. Only a few days left.


    Sounds like a lot of us in same boat – REG for the win.

    Felt good about my test. I cranked through the MCQs in under an hour and only marked about 8-9 total.

    SIMs beat me up a bit, heavy S corp. Research Q correct.

    Ralphie Dos Nachos

    The more I read this thread, the more I'm beginning to doubt myself.


    @Tiramisu I'm with you. I know I bombed one of the FAR TBS questions. I hope it was a pretest question or I was able to get partial credit. Lets go already Wednesday.


    Waiting for BEC and i still can’t decide whether i should begin restudying or move forward to CA PETH while waiting…


    Waiting for my FAR exam results. Program crashed mid-exam so idk what to expect. It felt like it got harder after the first testlet but…

    I know I bombed 1 part of the final TSB relating to the statement of stockholder's equity (Which I can't even remember being presented during studying) but I'm sure I nailed the two research questions (one of which was part of a “fix the memo” question).

    I studied 170-180 hours – granted that was over the course of 4 months because I had originally planned to take it January 15th and had to push it back for year-end duties.

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