LSU vs UNA for credits

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  • #1561939


    I’m looking to take 9 additional accounting credits for the CPA requirements, for New York State. I was planning on LSU, but I’ve read some bad things about the ProctorU software they require. UNA seems better, and also cheaper, but their website is uncertain about whether or not NY will accept their courses for Accounting credit. Does anybody have any experience using UNA credit hours as Accounting credit for the NYS exam? Alternatively, any reviews of the LSU programs with ProctorU? I’ll be taking LSU 3122, then 3221, and then possibly 2101 unless my University flip flops and lets accounting majors take it again.




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  • #1561963

    “The state of New York recently indicated that these courses can be counted toward the business hours needed to sit for the exam in New York, but not the accounting hours.”

    Taken from the Help and FAQ section of the UNA website.

    Seems like you may be better off with LSU.


    I'd be leery of UNA. Another poster from NY just had a thread saying their applications was denied due to UNA credits not counting.

    First go at the CPA! Only using Becker
    Reg / Nov 2015 - 87
    Far / Apr 2016 - 79
    Bec / May 2016 - 80
    Aud / Aug 2016


    I took every accounting course offered through LSU ODL. In the 24+ tests I have taken with them through ProctorU, I only ever had 1 bad experience due to a technical glitch. In general, the courses are fair and ProcturU does a great job. I'm in GA and have had no problems with them accepting my credits for the CPA exam; not sure about NY, but I know they don't accept UNA PAPP courses for the accounting coursework.

    Another alternative is UCLA Extension. I'm taking a course with them right now since LSU doesn't offer enough accounting courses to get licensed in GA. They also use ProctorU, but you lose some flexibility in that you can't rush through the courses like you can with LSU. I can finish a 3 semester credit hour LSU course in 2 months and move onto the next course, but UCLA Extension wants you to take the full 3 months or so for a 4 quarter hour (2.7 semester credits) courses. When I first starting studying accounting, I took the 2 intro courses and the 2 intermediate courses in a 12 month period through LSU. Can't beat that for efficiency.


    Tg7174 – GA accepted the intro courses even though you likely taken those courses in undergrad?

    FAR 77 - 4/24/16
    BEC - 6/9/16
    AUD - 7/22/16
    REG - 8/31/16


    They didn't accept the intro courses, but they accepted all of the others. Most states don't accept the intro courses for the accounting credits.


    I've emailed the NY board about this specifically just last fall. UNA hours can count toward general 150 or business requirements, but do not count toward the 33 accounting ones. I ended up doing 3 credits through LSU — very easy to use and never had any issues with the online testing.

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