LSU 150 credits

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  • #1677152


    I’ve just finished my undergrad career with over 120 credits, however I am still missing some accounting credits. I need to take about 2-3 more classes and was wondering how taking additional classes at another school works. Since I am done with my undergrad career, I can’t squeeze them into my transcript, but I don’t plan on getting a masters just for the extra accounting credits.

    I know many people take additional classes at LSU so I was wondering if I can take however many classes I need for the required accounting credits or do I need to enroll in a specific program since I’m done with my undergrad?

    Thanks in advance.

    I’m in NY if that means anything.

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  • #1677164

    Ive heard LSU is a good option as you can knock them out at your own pace and if you have a week or two to dedicate to it you can knock em out fast.

    I am doing foothill CC online classes, mainly because its really cost efficient and I need 5 – 6 classes, so I am spreading it over the next two quarters.

    Check out foothill CC or De Anza CC if you don't find what you like at LSU.


    Hi Anna,

    I am in NYC. I took three courses through LSU (Fraud Accounting, Human Sexuality, and Money Banking and Macroeconomic activity) online distance learning. You can take random courses to meet the 150 requirement. Just be sure to be aware that some courses are completely online. But, some are mixed in that you will do everything online accept take exams. For such courses you have to find a location that proctors examinations. I used services from Brooklyn College ( Hope this helps.


    NY candidate over here as well. I used LSU. No you don't have to enroll in a program you can just take the classes as long as you have the prerequisites (I don't think they require proof unless you indicate otherwise).

    Another decent option I used for 9 credits was Bryant Stratton. It was a little annoying because you have to participate in group discussions online and you have weekly graded tasks (I know it seems obvious but I was used to LSU's completely independent approach) but the courses are done in 7 weeks for 3 semester hours (I think LSU requires a minimum of 6-8 weeks before you can take the final, I forgot).


    I DId most of mine with LSU. It’s super cheap and easy, no specific program (but for how many credits you need I’d consider looking at some certificate program)

    At the time you could submit a max of 3 assignments per week then proctored exam, usually mid term and final.
    Super convenient tho, and yes (almost) as fast as you want to get them done


    I am graduating in a few days with my undergrad. I currently have over 150 credit hours due to major changes along the way, wasted classes, etc. I require 3 more hours in audit, and then I will have satisfied the requirements for my state (FL).

    At my university they will allow you take take any classes regardless of major/program so long as you meet the pre-reqs.
    Congrats on finishing your undergrad!

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