Let us collectively cross the SIM mud field

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  • #1582141

    I am trying brain storm session for SIM
    I have spoken to many friends and it is beyond debate that new SIM is killing the candidates regardless of their prep.
    Common problem : Too many tabs to read and too long problem to process. Challenge is to read the emails too fast and mine the relevant figures for the problem.
    Constraints : 1 small screen.
    As Jeff said earlier AICPA is not going to change the format ,we have to adopt it .Why not all of you give suggestions and particularly those who could solve the long questions with millions of adjustments to volunteer and enlighten the forum.
    CPains2k17 , Anthony ,Iqbal and others you are welcome to contribute and let others learn from your experience.
    All are welcome to contribute to this thread how they intend to approach this beast.Come on future CPA ,you have the concept and knowledge why this SIM can’t be solved ?

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  • Author
  • #1582235

    What I feel helped me on the FAR and REG sims is taking each question and information on a case by case basis. For example on the memo style sims, jump down and read the first question ignoring the background information first off, figure out what information it's asking for, and then skim the support for the item you need. I was a prior auditor for a few years so skimming through information is easier for me and not trying to read into every little detail. Just jump to the question and then figure out what you need from there and if you need to go back and read some of the background information do it but don't let reading all of it waist your time. Just skim through and try to look for the real important stuff that's going to affect your calculations or modify your answer, if that all makes sense. That might help shave a few minutes off of each sim.

    I can't speak to the one monitor problem because I think we all just need to deal with that issue. Just limit the time jumping between each tab by writing it down maybe? Maybe a good strat can be going to each tab first and writing down the information you gather from it? Like if it's a 1099 for example, just write down the amount and type of income, dates, names, etc. then move on to the next one until you have most of the important information written down then going back to the problem and answering the questions. This might be an issue for any type of financial support like a BS or IS but might be useful for the emails or, as I mentioned above, 1099s and stuff. The only other problem is that you might be writing down stuff that doesn't end up being relevant to the problem at all too.


    I've only taken BEC under the new format and I don't know if I passed or not, but I didn't think it was all that bad. I would LOVE a second screen but that is mostly because I'm spoiled to that and it would mimic my home and work surroundings. The overload of information feels just like work – clients give information that is not needed, not the right information, or way too much information and you have to sift through and pull the important stuff out to make sense of the task at hand.

    I do what Matthias is saying on the exams and at work; I look for the call of the question and read the documents in sections. When I'm finished I go back and look at the big picture to make sure I covered everything.

    BEC - 79
    REG - 85
    AUD - 5/27/16


    Thank you Matthias and Holly.I have noted your suggestions.


    Only way to get better is to practice it. You need to be able to see what you are looking for and go to the supporting docs that are being referenced to and solve what is needed. For example the sim talks about whether or not the bad debt is correct or you have to solve the bad debt. After you see that stop what you are doing and go to the supporting doc that contain that item and then apply your knowledge at it.

    Gotta gut it out a one piece at a time. Leave 3 hrs/2 hrs and 45 minutes just for sims will be your best bet to get through it all.


    Thank you Anthony

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