Is this really the only way to void my NTS?

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  • #2643621

    Hey all,

    I currently have an NTS for BEC and FAR that expires Sept 26 2019. I already took BEC back in June, and I’m currently studying for FAR. However, I can’t take FAR until October, so it’s not covered by my current NTS. Back when I set up this NTS, I didn’t realize it would come back in only like 2 days, that’s why it doesn’t cover the time frame I need.

    So, I need a new NTS to take FAR in October. But I can’t get a new NTS until my current one is voided. Which (per phone calls with NASBA and Prometric) can only be done by scheduling and taking (or doing a no show for) FAR on my current NTS. They said that will void it and I can then apply for a new NTS for FAR. So right now I have schedule FAR for Sept 3 – I’ll just have to make it a hail mary attempt and then take it again in October with my new NTS.

    Does anyone know a less complicated way to deal with this? I asked NASBA about an extension for my current NTS (only 6 days) but they said they only do that for special circumstances.


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  • Author
  • #2643672

    hi, wow I can post! Sorry, I don't mean to troll. I was just testing to see if I was able to finally post on here!
    I just clicked on the first post to test it, was giving me an error message.
    How long have you studied for FAR? I just took in on the 17th…My first exam…if you focus on the most highly tested topics, you should be good, especially since you have the knowledge of the other three exams…So I would review highly tested stuff, ignore the completed contract/% of completion stuff, don't know why only Becker so far has caught on to the fact that it isn't tested anymore. I wasted so much time studying that…Focus on, WORD – focus on non-monetary exchanges, and pensions, and non government, and consolidations. NO I'm not saying that was on the exam, I'm saying that is what is highly tested, pffft everyone knows that~!


    Unfortunately…yes. You can either use it before it expires, or wait for it to expire. But there is no other way that I am aware of to make it go away.

    Depending on how long you've been studying, you might be able to get quality studying in before 9/3 to make this attempt more than a hail mary.

    AUD - 56 - 68 - 61 - 9/8/16
    REG - 75
    FAR - 7/15/16
    BEC - TBD

    Wiley CPAexcel and NINJA 10 Point Combo


    use it for the experience then take again in oct. heck you might even pass and not have to take the test again!


    Can you move it to September 10th? Looking at your scores, you probably could cram it in in 3 weeks and pull a 75

    B - August 2016
    A - June 2016
    R - October 2016
    F - July 2016

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