I’m so scared I failed REG that I keep asking psychics to predict my score

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  • #2583180

    I know how ridiculous I am but the stress is eating me alive. I don’t even really believe in psychics but I asked five of them and they all said I passed with a 78-80 and one said that if I would’ve failed if I got three more questions wrong lol. I will be thoroughly impressed if that score is right on.

    How do you guys cope? I’m not eating, I have panic attacks at work and at home, isolating myself, and crying all the time because I rather die than fail. I don’t judge others for failing but my entire self worth is wrapped up in this stupid exam. I’m going to focus on taking the Ethics exam in the meantime but the pressure is too much. I’m exercising but have lost my appetite. I’m trying to distract myself with reading but it’s not too effective.

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  • #2583279

    Based off of you prior scores, I probably wouldn't be too worried about the score result of REG. I'm sure you did fine and will receive a passing score. I would do the opposite of isolation and surround yourself with family and friends. From someone who has failed multiple exams, I have kind of grown numb to failure, and accept that I went in on exam day and did my best. Something to be proud of. I would just enjoy life in the mean time, go do things you actually enjoy doing or something that you haven't been able to do because you've been studying and working hard to pass these exams.

    I took AUD at the beginning of this quarter, and sure I feel like I probably failed, but I have my focus and attention on studying for FAR now. Maybe focusing on the Ethics Exam will help relieve some of that pressure.


    History repeats itself. Based on your prior scores I think you will be okay.
    It is a nerve racking experience for sure. Nothing anyone says on this board will make you feel better until score release date.
    Just keep on keeping on. Try and take some deep breaths and relax. What will be, will be. There is no changing the past at this point.

    -This might get a little too deep for some of you.
    Perhaps some perspective will help… This test doesn't matter, you don't matter. None of it matters. In another 50-70 years you will likely be dust. In another 100 after that it's likely no one will even remember you existed. The sun and moon will keep rising, the tides of the ocean will keep going in and out (although probably a bit higher than today).
    Absolutely nothing we do in this life matters on a long enough time line. You have a roof over your head, you have food to eat. You likely have a better life than at least half of the human population on this planet. You have it good and you are going to be alright. We are all going to be alright – or dead, and then it doesn't matter if we're all right anyway. Keep your head up buttercup, life doesn't get any easier than it is right here, right meow.

    The current life expectancy for a US female (as of 2016) was 78.69 years. Use them wisely, stop wasting time on worrying.
    Memento Mori – Remember (that) you will die.


    Recked – your posts are enlightening and refreshing. Should try starting a motivational instagram or Youtube channel, I would subscribe!


    Should've just read “The Little Engine that Could” instead of spending all that money on psychics. Chances are they saw you coming a mile away with $ signs in front of their eyes.


    @Skynet Yo how's Phase II with Megan Fox going?


    @Amandaaa, LOLLLL!!! This is great. I needed a laugh. (still laughing) I agree with Ch89 in that I've failed so much until I am numb to failure. But if your scores is an indication of how well you've done, what are you worrying about? You're really crying for nothing. Celebrate instead of sorrowing. Be thankful that you'll be done and it's over. I think I've heard it all, psychics? Score release will be here soon enough. Good luck to you.

    It begins with a 75
    Been here too long as a cheerleader....ready to pass


    This is cracking me up – I'm waiting on REG myself, I wonder if I should visit the psychic down the road from my house? lol. But yeah, to echo others', you probably passed based on your prior scores.

    FAR - PASSED 11/14
    AUD - TBD
    BEC - TBD
    REG - First take 2/16


    Lol thanks for the reassurance/support y’all. Don’t worry, I promise I know how ridiculous and unreasonable I’m being. I have a diagnosis for General Anxiety disorder so this is bringing out the absolute worst in me. I’m clinging to any hope because I cried the whole way home from my exam and I thought there was no way I could pass during the exam that I should just walk out and give up. Even though I did well on the other exams, I don’t think I gave myself enough time on this one to prepare and I know this will be much lower, just not sure how much.

    Also this isn’t even abnormal for me, which is that concerning part. In college, I cried every time I took an exam and thought it might jeopardize my 4.0 and was in literal crippling depression or I got a 3.7.


    @Amandaaa, you got this!! you are just a high achiever! You are almost done! GL!


    Psychics might be right, but they tap into demonic power…
    Well, you might not agree but i thought I'd just throw it out there.
    OUr life matters…Heaven awaits. What we do, matters. Helping the poor,the widows, the orphans, matters…
    Thinking about people who are suffering and trying to help them – matters.
    Yes, you can work your way to heaven but you need God's help too.

    We are remembered, every hair is counted.

    We are loved deeply.

    Jimmy Dugan

    I'm a psychic too; I predict you will score somewhere between 88 and 90. I'll send you an invoice 🙂


    Amandaaa, I think it was smart of you to see a psychic! Psychics don't just tell you the future, but they give you a different perspective on your life. Waiting for scores sucks! Keep doing things to distract yourself and to have fun. What else can you do? I'm now waiting for two scores. I could be done or I could not be done. It's agony!


    I totally agree with Recked as well as BrightLight but that's more religious. But basically, the world is a big place, and it's only temporary. It's been around for a long time and will keep going once all of us are dead. Our anxiety with the CPA exams is from such a privileged perspective, how lucky are we that perhaps the most anxiety producing thing in our lives is the CPA exams? I know that's the case for me and I'm so lucky. My wife had to watch her mother slowly die from brain cancer and from the age of 11 was bathing and feeding her mom until her death when my wife was 14 (her mom was 40 when she passed). That to me is a real problem, but having the privilege of affording and being able to take an exam to further a career in a first world county makes me a lucky guy.

    Another thing that gave me perspective was right after I took REG (the last exam for me), I was also having so much anxiety. A couple of days after I took the exam my wife received an email from a missionary in Sudan that my wife went on a missions trip for where they purchased a run down orphanage with starving/dying children and fixed it up and have given them love and care. The email basically notified my wife that the city they were in had extreme jihadists going around hacking men, women, and children to death with machetes simply for believe in God, no other reason. Here I am, worried about an exam that if I failed, would've been able to take again, while young children in 3rd world countries are worried about being brutally murdered that day. That made my problems seem so small.

    I don't say this to shame you Amandaaa or anyone else, but to give perspective. We live in a big world, and it's easy to only be focused on the life we see, it's in our inherent nature and I make that mistake over and over and over again. But there are a lot of people that could use our help, a lot of people that didn't get as lucky as us to be born into a first world country with many privileges that we take for granted. For me, realizing that has helped me so much with anxiety/stress and actually taking measures to help the less fortunate has improved my quality of life a lot.


    So how close were the psychics?


    Not lol I failed.

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