If you think you failed, do you start studying again before the results?

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  • #1317713

    I studied for FAR for several months (slowly through the summer and more intensive in the fall) and I took the exam yesterday. I feel terrible about how I did. The SIMS were soooo much more difficult than I expected. I find out on the 22nd if I passed or not. I’m sure many of you have been in this situation. Did you start studying right away for a retake or did you take a short break until the results?

    Thanks in advance!

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  • #1317716

    Also, do I have to apply for a new NTS if it's good until Dec 9? Will the section ID open up after the score release?


    You can't apply for a new NTS until after your score is released. I think you have to wait until 2 days after, but I could be wrong. I would usually take a little time off unless I was trying to take two exams in the same window. Maybe just casually go through your notes to keep the material fresh, but you should have enough time to study for a retake and still take AUD at the end up the first window.

    FAR: 75 Roger & Ninja (notes/flashcards/audio/MCQ)
    AUD: 73, 81
    BEC: 71, retake 8/29


    Thank you @RE2PECT. I haven't been through the process for applying to take a part over again. I was hoping the NTS would be good for more than one time within the date window. Darn! Thanks for the info. I'd still like to get s retake in before the year is up.


    I would take 2-3 days off and then start studying again.

    Also in CA it takes weeks to get a new NTS. I would send a new application 2 weeks prior to the test, that way if I failed I already had a new NTS ready to go.

    AUD - 74, 99 !!
    REG - 74, 92
    BEC - 83
    FAR - 73, 86

    Studying for Ethics exam

    California candidate
    Business and Industry


    I always took the exam towards the end of the period so I wouldn't wait no more than 9 days to get my score. I used that time to get a mental break. Seems like that'll be the same with you. If you can afford the time off, do it and maybe start studying for the next section after a week.

    Last thing you want to do is start absorbing a lot of new material only to ditch that and re-study the failed section. You could also retake the failed section at a later time and continue with the new section but everyone has a different opinion on that. I would re-study the failed section.


    Thanks @Track55 and @CantStopWontStop!

    – I'm unable to sign up for the next course on my state website so I'm assuming it will open up if I don't pass. Fortunately, my state takes 24-48 hours to get a new NTS so I won't have to wait too long after I re-apply.

    – I don't plan on moving on to the next section until I pass FAR. That would not work for me at all. I'm glad I don't have to wait too long for the results. I also book my exams for the latest possible day.


    Just start studying for the next one because you probably passed anyways.


    @CJC14, if you took FAR in the 4th quarter, you will not be able to retake until 1st QTR of 2017.


    @Over_It – I love the way you think! Do you think that because many people who think they failed really passed?


    @mjbey1s – really???!!! Why is that? Is that different state to state?


    @CJC14, no…That is an NASBA rule. You are only able to take each section once per quarter. I took FAR October 6, failed with a 68, and now I have to wait till January to retake…


    – Thank you for the information. I see that it's your last test to take. Good luck in January!


    Thanks I appreciate it. If retaking, I would highly recommend nailing Gov't and NFP as they were the only sections of MC that I did not score comparable or stronger on. Also highly recommend knowing ALL, and I mean ALL JEs.


    Thanks for the tips. I totally agree with both of them. I work for a NFP and I felt I was pretty strong with the gov't. It will be interesting to see how strong I scored in those sections. It was the j/e's that I feel less confident about – I THOUGHT I was more prepared going in than I felt when I left the exam. I will study those for sure if I have to retake. I'm praying for a good outcome. Thinking positive, this new information will force me to take more of a break than I was going to. My family will enjoy that. 🙂


    I thought I failed AUD for sure, but I moved on to next section anyway. When the result was revealed, I passed. After my REG retake, I wasn't sure I passed. So I studied lightly until the score release for about 10 days. I passed it too. So you never know 🙂 Good luck.

    FAR 72,67,79 (Roger+Wiley test bank)11/15
    AUD 80 (Roger)10/15
    BEC 80 (Roger)4/16
    REG 63,78 (Roger+Ninja MCQs)5/16

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