If you passed any section, How many hours did you study? - Page 2

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  • #1664914

    Hi everyone,

    I am statistics man πŸ™‚ and always feel curios how many actual averaged hours take to pass a section

    Have you passed any section ? share with us how many hours did you take for study and the score you got
    it is also cool if you would to let us know your daily average hours and your CPA Review Course for each section

    I would to start but unfortunately didn’t pass any section so far – so I will share my experience with you as soon as I crush the next exam πŸ™‚

    Here you go and just bold the number of hours and the passing score

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  • #1665080

    Thanks for all of the great advice from everyone.

    Looking forward to see more experiences along with hours and numbers πŸ™‚


    FAR Take 1: Approx 160 hours (over the course of 3 months, bare minimum in Becker per week)
    AUD Take 1: Approx 90 hours (over the course of 1.5 months, bare minimum in Becker per week)
    BEC: Approx 160 hours (over the course of 5 weeks, had plenty of time to study between Christmas and New Year's)
    AUD Take 2: Approx 170 hours (over the course of 7 weeks, skipped lectures and hammered MCQs)
    FAR Take 2: Approx 180 hours (over the course of 8 weeks, skipped lectures and hammered MCQs)
    REG Take 1: Approx 220 hours (over the course of 9 weeks)
    REG Take 2: I'm estimating about 200 hours

    I had the problem of not taking the test seriously in the beginning, and it wasted about 6 months of studying. I did the minimum of what Becker told me to do each week and didn't take the time to understand the concepts. My FAR and AUD retakes were essentially me relearning everything, though I didn't bother with lectures again because I didn't want to waste the time for retakes. I am sure I did terribly on REG the first time because I was so burnt out and was still waiting to know my FAR score and was convinced I failed, so I was frustrated imagining I'd have to take FAR again.

    For my FAR retake, I did add the Ninja Notes to my Becker. And for my REG retake, I splurged for the Ninja Scout package because it is my last test and I'm willing to pull out all the stops for this.


    FAR – 86 – 70 Hours
    AUD – 83 – 45 Hours
    REG – 82 – 55 Hours
    BEC – 82 – 55 Hours


    FAR: 250+ hours (77)
    BEC: 175 hours (87)
    AUD: Too many to count (71,73,81)
    REG: Too many to count (66, still NEED A PASS)

    I will have spent well over 1,000+ hours on all of these exams. However, my study time was really inefficient during my first attempts because I had no idea what I was doing. Also, I am not a fast learner, but I can retain reams of information.

    Goodluck everyone. Remember a CPA is a CPA whether it took you 400+ hours of 1,000+ hours.

    β€œThe difference between winning and losing is most often not quitting.”


    Many thanks guys – Goodluck everyone in your next exams

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