Abdul – sure thing. I am using roger, and I followed his 12 month study planner, which budgets more time for the longer sections (REG, FAR) and less for the shorter, especially BEC. I think he only budgets like 6 weeks for BEC.
I watch the entire chapters lecture videos, while following along in the textbook and highlighting sections i thought were relevant or stood out as hard for me to grasp or remember. I don't highlight just to highlight…I try and only highlight stuff that I think is either super relevant, or super confusing to me so that I come back to it. I in general only plan to touch my book again to skim through a chapter reading only the highlighted stuff.
After each chapter I do the MCQs from the test bank in that specific chapter. I do MCQs in bunches of about 30 questions and 2 sims.
Sometimes I will watch a few chapters of lectures and then switch to the MCQ to let myself get in the zone for one and then the other, all the while making sure I stick to the rough schedule of the study planner….don't get behind and dont slack. That's the worst you can do.
I make sure I read each question's explanation if I got the MCQ or sim wrong, and I have a word doc open on one screen that I take notes on each question I got wrong. I just keep that word doc running as I study. I don't just copy and paste the software's explanation for a wrong answer…I make myself re-write it in words that make sense to me. Currently I am 30 chapters in on the FAR section out of the 31 total and I have a 18 page long word doc with all my sentence or two notation for each MCQ or sim concept I got wrong, and I think it was almost 30 pages alone for my AUD section.
After I complete the entire course of lectures and MCQs, I go review that word doc for a day or so, I then re-do all the MCQ that I had gotten wrong. Most test banks allow you to filter a new quiz to only show you questions you've missed, I do that. This allows me to test again all the questions I just study from the word doc.
After doing all of that, I do a couple full blown simulated exams through the roger software, and with any spare time I may have I may rewatch a lecture chapter or two if it shows as one of my glaringly weak areas.
The MCQ software lets me see how I performed by chapter, so I can easily see any sections I am struggling in. Anything I am below a 75 I revisit if I have time.
It's hard to make time to do all of the above sometimes, but it has worked for me and seeing it work motivates me to keep on trucking.
Good luck to you in your exams.