@bullandre I thought you were asking if she could volunteer for you for 3 months, then have you sign off on her whole 12 months (9 months not under a CPA and 3 months under you). Now I understand what you're saying better. 🙂 As long as she's doing the work, whether she's compensated or not shouldn't be an issue for the NYS CPA board, so from that perspective it should be fine. I'd probably email the board, though, to get an email approval back to have a paper trail.
However, presuming that you're working at a for-profit company (sounds like you're in public accounting), then the Dept of Labor has some issues with a volunteer employee. Put simply, from my research, I don't think they allow it. The only way they allow it in any way shape form or fashion is an unpaid intern, but then the rules on what they can and can't do are very strict (my “tell it to my like I'm 5 years old” summary is “the intern can't do any real work” – it's something like “they can't do any work that contributes to the work needed for the company's work” or something like that). To keep the DOL happy, would your employer be willing to pay her minimum wage for the work that she does under you for 3 months? I'm guessing minimum wage is less than they pay the other employees that would be doing the work (yourself, first-year's that would be doing it if she wasn't, etc.), so hopefully it'd be a good deal for them and they might consider it, again presuming you're in public accounting which it sounds like from you talking about talking to other CPAs in your office. Now granted, this is an issue with the DOL and therefore your employer's issue, not an issue with the NYS CPA Board and therefore not “your” issue, but if you're the one bringing her in then it's kinda your issue still…and if your HR department is good, they'll probably stop an unpaid employee. Of course there might be some exception I'm not aware of that would allow this, but from my research when I'd looked into it before (I'd been worried when I was a college student about if/how I would be able to get experience, so had considered if I could volunteer somewhere!), I don't think a for-profit company can have an unpaid person doing work for them. Non-profits can, but it still has to meet certain criteria and be properly documented as volunteer.
@kanwal78 I would suggest that you start a new thread to ask your question, as it's not likely to get many answers buried in the middle of this discussion. 🙂
@akduran07 I'm not sure what you're asking – how do you find out what you will need for what?