You don't need to practice Sims. Geez, imagine how many MCQs you could do in the time it takes you to practice ONE Sim. Instead, practice answering MCQs without looking at the answer choices. Same thing but more useful because you're essentially practicing for both exam sections at the same time.
You need to be really good at the things you will be required to do on Sims (like journal entries, identifying when to recognize revenue, calculating lease obligations, etc.), but you can (and SHOULD) practice those things while you're doing MCQs. In fact, you may be better off that way. Practicing Sims is just going to make you think very narrowly about them. You'll learn how to prepare journal entries in response to ONE question, but if you're not applying those concepts to your MCQs, it will do you no good on exam day unless you get the exact same Sims, which won't happen.
I did very well on Sims on all 4 of my exams, and I didn't practice Sims. You either know the material or you don't. Concern yourself with the strategy and time management elements of Sims, and know how to use the software, but otherwise, get really good at the concepts and the problem-solving methods, and you will be fine on Sims.