I have failed REG each window for the last 11 windows - Page 2

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  • #2793246

    My REG scores have ranged from 48 to 70 over the last 11 attempts. Studying about 2-3 hours a day during the week and 4-5 hours a day on weekend. What am I doing wrong? Maybe I should give up, I cannot imagine how long it will take me to pass the other 3 sections

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  • #2795973

    You're being kind of vague in your responses, which makes it hard for people to help you. If you've truly studied for 3,000 hours across multiple review courses, you should have very detailed lists of topics that you can't understand. You say you have “decent” trending scores, what does that mean? Are you consistently score 80-90% or more? 60-70%? I don't want to make you feel bad, I just am slightly aghast that someone could study that many hours and take the test that many times and not pass at least once. There has to be a major issue in the way you're studying. I have a feeling that you are focusing on the number of hours spent in front of your study materials and assuming that will equate to a pass. That's just not how it works.

    FAR - PASSED 11/14
    AUD - TBD
    BEC - TBD
    REG - First take 2/16


    I have to echo what is being said here, it's not about hours spent or questions answered. Time is just an investment you have to make in order to learn, not a formula to passing. Drill MCQs, one topic at a time, learn from your wrong answers, and repeat until you master the material.

    You've created poll threads about studying for the CPA vs cleaning the garage, studying during football season, etc. and say you have personal commitments preventing you from studying more. The CPA requires discipline and sacrifice, and that means you have to set priorities. Stay up later and/or wake up earlier. Studying has to take priority over hanging out with friends or watching football; if you have children, you need to get your spouse or parents or relatives to help you manage those duties; if you have too many chores around the house, you need to hire a cleaner or a gardener or whatever to come and lighten the load; if you are dating, your partner is going to need to understand that they need to make sacrifices for your career aspirations; and if you have any other time-consuming commitments like school or hobby groups or volunteering, those need to go on the backburner. If you're not prepared or are unable to make big sacrifices, you need to put the CPA on hold until you can.


    You are likely burnt out. I personally struggled with FAR and took that first and 2nd attempt just to have 2 fails off the bat. What worked for me was to get some passes under my belt and then when I was 3/4 of the way done I had extra fuel to get over the hump and end the journey. You are likely second guessing everything during test time and being your own worst enemy. Knock out BEC or AUD, get some success under your belt and know you got this… then circle back to REG


    I read all the comments.

    Do you feel nervous or struggle to come up with answers during the exam?


    Switch to BMF.

    BEC … then Maybe FAR.


    Yeah I would say switch up the exam section you take next and go from there. I personally found AUD to be the easiest. BEC is really random topics and tough to study for but the actual exam isn’t too bad. FAR is a beast so I would hold off on that one. Personally I liked my approach of AUD, FAR, REG then BEC. Most importantly though something about tour study habits are not working or you are not being honest about your effort level. There is no easy outs with these exams and maximum effort and focus is needed so unless you are ready to truly take this serious it won’t matter what part you take next. If you try another section and you strike out 3x in a row then I would just table the CPA for another point in your life where you can truly focus and do what’s required. Otherwise you are wasting an enormous amount of money. The money to me is a motivation in that I simply cannot afford to take these tests multiple times each. Best of luck.

    Jimmy Dugan

    I am sure I’ll get blasted for saying this and that’s fine, because it needs to be said. If you have failed a section 11 straight times, it is okay to consider whether or not this is the right path for you. These folks all have great intentions, but it is impossible for me to think that a tweak in your study habits or switching sections is going to put you over the top. If you really want to keep at it, then great for you and I hope I come back here a year from now and read that you’ve passed 4 straight. However, you’ve given it a great shot and it’s okay to move on to something else. The CPA is a cool achievement but it’s not exactly playing short stop for the Yankees. Life is too short to be sweating out score releases for years and years.


    What is BMF? I think I am going to take it off through Thanksgiving then pick up a new section. Althought I am worried as I will have to come back to this section at some point, assuming I pass other sections


    Some day love your persistence man! Some told me to quit this whole CPA journey n i told them to fuk off lol we got this man!


    Thanks for the support, Hope. I signed up for BEC in Feb, hopefully will have better results than REG

    Jeff, still trying to figure out what BMF means


    It means “B”EC then “M”aybe “F”AR……




    BMF is the name of your avatar's wallet in Pulp Fiction.


    “Which wallet is it?”
    “The one that says BMF”
    “Yeah thats it, BMF”
    Not to get too far off topic, but notice how Vince has gone to the can multiple times?


    Something that always bothered me was the opening dialogue of the couple robbing the diner doesn't match what they say later in the movie.

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