How to tackle Document Review Questions

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  • #1501953

    How to tackle document review questions? I need strategies of how to do. Accounting knowledge doesn’t help, because when I get the question, my mind get lost in the tidal wave of information. For example, inventory sales, purchases, sales returns, purchase returns……

    Undergrad accounting is just plain bad because they don’t prepare you for these kind of sims.

    Anyway, I use Roger CPA, but they don’t provide a clear cut strategy of how to deal with DRS. Any suggestions?

    Right now, I am doing a DRS question, 18 minutes passed, I flipping back and forth between the tabs but no clue…….

    When I checked the answers, everything sounds clear….But when a new question pops up, I still have no clue.

    I also have Gleim and I can use my friend’s Becker. Do they explain better on how to deal with DRS?

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  • #1501954

    Thanks for posting this! I just got my first real feel of document review yesterday. I use Roger too.

    I'm tired of operating in fear and mediocrity. It's time to try. It's time to do. It's time to go.


    I take each question being asked in isolation, then review the pertinent docs, and surmise the best answer from those provided in the pull down menu. Worked for me in previous exams. Hopefully it did as well in far.


    I'd like to lynch the person/people who came up with the idea to have those godawful DRS questions. SEVEN possible choices to replace the underlined text? Or delete the text? Are you freaking kidding me?? ZERO partial credit….and you have to sift out all the b.s. in the documents, in 15 minutes, when in the real world, you'd have 2-4 hours to work on it.


    Oh, sorry I didn't quite answer your question earlier as far as how to approach them. I have no good ideas about that. Some of them are easier than others. The easier ones with only like 1 document or at most 2 short documents are usually do-able if there aren't too many questions about them. The ones they have with the inter-company email communications are kinda cute…. The ones with financial statements to review, plus board meeting minutes, plus other useless garbage to read….FML. Just plow through them and do your best on exam day. And pray that you don't get a hard one.


    Lynch is probably not the best word. Never good to trivialize something so serious & hurtful to so many people.


    @Wanna_B Well, hopefully readers on here have a sense of humour. I'm never going to meet the people who invented DRS's. I don't know their names or where they live. My comment was rather innocuous. But the fact is that the DRS's are often some of the hardest questions on the exam.

    That's a good point – people on here are *way* too uptight I notice. Chillax!! Work hard, but play hard too, and don't take life too seriously. YOLO.


    Google lynching and look at the pictures theres nothing innoculus about that shit. The CPA is not an easy exam, but nothing on it is even romotely close to lynching. What do you think it says about you that you think lynching is joke? So its funny to you that people lived in a constant state of fear of violence? Its hilarious for yòu to think about the kkk and other random mobs of angry white people dragging innocent black and women from their homes, hanging them from trees, mutalating their gentals, and burning their bodies? This is funny?!!!!!!!! If it is, thats news to me. Maybe its difficult to relax bc i can see myself in every black person hanging from the tree of your lynching joke. But hey YOLO right? Chillax, right? It hasnt happened to me so whats the problem right?

    Uptight? until you come in contact witwh a person who has had a relative that was an actual victim of your “humrous” word. Trust me when I tell you the pain of racial violence is real and never something to be trivalized, never. Even if you are thick skinned person who's not bothered by much, that's of no consequence to the people you offend when you words without considering the full context of their meaning.

    Think about this the next time you make a “joke”, the keys to comedy are audience and timing….


    @WannaB – You are WAY out of line. If you interpreted my comments as racial, amongst the other patently ridiculous things, then that's your problem. Deal with it. And don't put words in my mouth. Climb down off your high horse and please don't tell me to go Google “lynching”. Better yet, if you don't like something that someone else says on here – including what *I* write that you might read in the future (and I hope you don't) – move on and ignore it instead of wasting time and energy with flagrant responses like the miserable diatribe you posted above. And my comment about people on here being uptight was pretty independent of what I wrote about my dislike for DRSs or how hard the CPA exams are. This is a fairly humorless forum though, all things considered. @Skynet‘s postings are some of the few that I actually laugh at. And yeah, YOLO. Definition: YOU ONLY LIVE ONCE!!

    OP, @nalratoss, I am very sorry that this other person reacted the way they did and that they ruined your thread, over ONE word that they found objectionable in my post.

    LET'S MOVE ON. If anyone has any ideas about DRS approaches, I'd love to hear them too.


    LOOOOOOOL this dude went from 0-100 real quick.


    …CPA exam is a hell of a drug.

    FAR: 66, 75
    AUD: 67, 69, 70, 74, 74
    REG: 71, 79
    BEC: 73


    TLDR; Don't use the word lynching.

    Back on topic, am I the only one who thinks the DRS SIMS were free points? Like I had one for REG and I was happy because I knew the topic really well. Trust the studying and stop guessing.


    My process for DRS and I'm writing notes the whole time:

    Gather info – what docs are in here?
    Read questions – what kind of drop downs am I facing?
    Read all documents and ask the 5 W's – Who are these people/companies? and also, who am I (firm staff, tax manager, company CFO). What do they want? When (dates, year ends, etc). Where (anyone international? is inventory shipped or with the seller?). Why do they want my help?
    Then I try to organize the questions like they were MCQ's – what topics are they testing me on, what are the tricks and exceptions? The questions are the same as MCQ's but just in a different format and you have to fish through documents to get the info instead of reading a little MCQ paragraph.
    Then, once I answer, I re-read the documents to make sure it all came together.

    These are new, so they don't count right? Aren't all the new MCQ's and Sims supposed to be pretest things that don't actually get graded?
    I wondered about the Q1 updates that are rumored to be heavily tested – those would be new questions, right? So… pretest?
    I'm not sure how that works.


    @chynablue – good strategy! But with 7 multiple choices each, including a possible “DELETE TEXT” option well….that's too many to try to narrow down unless they're really easy. They should give 4 options, just like they do with regular MCQs. The DRSs do count – if you get two of them, one of them will definitely count. The other one may be your pre-tested question.

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