How to move on after getting 70-74

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  • #1744602

    I got 74 in FAR. Somehow my one SIM calculations gone wrong and I realized when it was too late to fix .
    I am not able to concentrate as keep asking myself how stupid I am , why you didn’t check earlier?
    This is the first time I got 74 and struggling to to move on.
    How you people moved or moving on after score of 70s < 75

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  • #1744619

    By telling myself that I am not the only one, the 1st or the last that this will happen to. Too BEC 3x (70,74 then finally 78), just took REG and received a 73. You just have to try to find that motivation and edge. I like to compare everything to sports so I tell myself “would Jordan or Kobe quit” then i get that edge again. It is definitely tough but it happens.


    @Satyakatiwal-what's done is done, you have to look forward and work toward a 75-there is no point in dwelling on a bad score. Look on the bright side, you scored a 74, you are almost there. If you get your score report, see where it went awry and do it again, you will get there!


    @Any n Kev , thanks a lot for your encouragement. Yes I know it’s waste of time to look backward but my heart doesn’t not
    Understanding 😁😁😁

    Fratty Redneck

    Just keep grinding. The longer you sit around and feel sorry for yourself, the longer your journey will be. There's a factual stat out there that says less than 10% of candidates pass all 4 parts on the first try.

    It took me 4x to pass BEC-53,73,72,93.

    It can be done with persistence and determination.


    Wow @Fratty (can’t call redneck)
    How u did you go from 73 to 92?
    Jeff also mentioned in his YouTube, he gone from 74 to 92 in REG.
    Curious as 73 to 92 is huge.

    Fratty Redneck

    @satyakatiwal this is going to sound crazy, but I think studying for the EA exam really helped my study habits on the CPA.

    My strategy was to read each chapter and do some MCQ using Becker. I would make flashcards along the way of topics that I had even the slightest difficulty with. I'd also print out the Becker chapter outlines and make note of all important topics included in these outlines.

    Then, I'd move on to the next chapter and repeat. At the end of each chapter, I'd do MCQ for that chapter and also do progress tests that encompassed MCQ from prior chapters to keep the material fresh. I'd also re-read through my flashcards and chapter outlines during my down time.

    Master the flash cards during the review phase and hammer Ninja MCQ until you are comfortable with all aspects of the material. During my first 3 attempts, I neglected cost accounting knowing I didn't fully understand it. During my 4th attempt, I turned my weakness into my strength. I was shocked at my score when I saw 93.

    I also improved my FAR score from a 59 to an 86 using this method. I really learned how to study during the last few months of my 23 month CPA journey.

    I passed REG and AUD with a 75 and a 77 on the first try. I was very fortunate as I had not adopted my study method at that point.


    You CAN and you WILL get over the hump and pass. You just need to keep moving forward and work even harder – there are plenty of us on this site that have bounced back from low 70's scores. I am one of those people –> My AUD journey: 58 –> 69 –> 71 –> 73 –> 80. The 3 previous scores really hurt me and tested my patience, but if it were easy everyone would do it.

    Keep on going!


    @Fratty , thanks a lot . Since you did the same with FAR , can you be little more details with FAR and FAR SIMs .
    I will just do what you did . I am sure it pushed 20 points for you then it would definitely push 10 points for me.
    Please share your FAR section specifically SIM.


    I've gotten a 74 twice (once on REG and once on AUD) in the same quarter and I found out a few days before Christmas. It was great. I have also gotten a 72 on REG.

    Honestly, I gave myself a week. A week to feel sorry for myself. A week to be angry at how much BS it was to miss it by 1 point that could have been from misunderstanding a question. Etc.

    Then start grinding again. I finally passed REG and it's a huge relief. I spent a lot of time repeating the MCQ and then the knowledge for the SIMs just kind of came from knowing the MCQ material better.


    Operationcpa , thanks for your encouragement , I really need now as feeling low. What you did in last attempt and can you recall what wrong or mistakes you were doing when you got 69 or 73 ?
    Just trying to nail down my mistake which others have already
    Diagnosed and cured.


    JDUB , two 74 in same window, I would have died of heart attack.
    You came out of that tragedy, awesome.
    I am not alone is giving me some solace.



    The last attempt I put the book aside (mind you, this is for AUD and may not work for another exam) and did nothing but MCQ and SIMS for a month straight. I think the biggest thing for me was getting a new test bank and seeing different questions.


    @satyakatiwal – here is a thread that I replied to although I passed FAR on my first attempt. I think my reply to the other thread should help you.

    Fratty Redneck

    @satyakatiwal when it comes to SIMS on FAR, there is a thread that outlines the Becker Sims based on the blueprint released by the AICPA. I went through those SIMS in Becker a few times, but that was the extent of my preparation for the SIMS. This was the only material change between my study method for FAR vs. BEC.

    I hope this helps.


    thanks a ton for sharing your secret sauce.
    I will just follow your method , I am sure it will push my score beyond 80.
    Printed your reply and this is my first flash card.
    Yes SIMs I am following Blueprint.
    Glad I posted this question.

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