How random are the questions on the exam?

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    I recently took FAR and quite literally at least 70% of the MCQ’s were all from two chapters of study materials.
    Do the exams usually favor certain chapters/materials (if so, which ones) or was it just random chance that my exam was like that?

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  • #1997807

    You can look on the AICPA blueprint for each exam and see what percentage each topic is of the exam.


    I thought the same thing when I took FAR. I thought a larger than expected amount came from a certain category. But when I look back I think it was actually because I had just finished that chapter of the review course, and just finished a college class that focused heavy on the topic. So I think I just noticed those more than i did the other topics.


    I had the pleasure of taking FAR twice and while the first time, I felt like they were just hammering me away on one topic, the second time was much more even…You have to know everything for these.


    I think something else to take into considerations is that some topics are not designed well for SIMS. So for example with REG, Blaw is 10-20% of the exam, but it's likely that you won't get a SIM with blaw, so you'll see a bigger concentration of that topic in the MCQs and it might feel like big percentage of the exam. For FAR, Government & NFP fit in the same scenario. This isn't to say that you won't ever get a SIM with these topics, but it's just a LOT less likely


    Definitely lots of Gov and NFP!


    I had A LOT OF RANDOMness on my reg, i.e. an AGE question for something i can't mention and it wasn't even related to tax (disclosure issue).
    FAR questions were relevant, although I really thought I failed, and barely passed. As everyone keeps saying here already, govt and nfp, yes.

    FAR: 76
    REG: Currently studying

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