I know this probably isn't the answer you wanted but it depends on a few things. First, what type of person you are and how quickly you can grasp material. Second, it depends what you mean by full-time. If you equate “full-time” to 40 hours per week of studying, then you theoretically should be able to do FAR and REG in about 3 weeks, and AUD and BEC in 2; however, rarely does anyone actually study 40hours. People will say they do but when BECKER recommends 40hrs/week or if you say your going to do8 8 hrs a day, they mean actual productive study time. Not browsing the web inbetween sections, taking lunch breaks etc.
I feel like I've been on the quicker side of taking the exam and plan to have the whole thing done in 4 months. I took FAR in Nov. AUD in Dec., have REG this month, and then BEC next month.
My strategy to determine my study time is to take the amount of chapters in module, divide it by 2, and then add a week for review. So my total study time in weeks is as follows: FAR:6, REG:5, AUD:4, BEC:4
I typically study about 20-30 hours a week as I am currently in a MAcc program.