How do you feel when just one section is left

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  • #1523083

    Hi Ninja Gurus
    By God’s grace and support of this forum member’s I on my last section FAR.Somehow I feel very relaxed or very mild stress even though FAR is considered toughest among all sections.I need to charge up for the beast and wondering how you all felt or feeling when on the last leg of this arduous journey.

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  • #1523091

    @I_want2B_freeI_want2B_free I am in the same boat as you, just FAR to finish. I also have very similar scores as you and took FAR on 3/10 and scored similar to you as well. I came up with a solid study plan am sticking to it and so far am feeling good. When is your FAR re-take scheduled for? The big thing for me is allowing myself enough time, which I didn’t do when I took first stab at FAR on 3/10 and really understanding and being able to apply some of the major concepts that were heavily tested on the exam. I will feel 100% more confident walking into the exam on 5/15 but need to keep a clear mind focus the next 7 weeks.


    What is your plan ? Curious.I intend to appear on 5/10.Normally I schedule at last moment when I feel nothing left.I am adding to study the Accounting standards (for research questions ) this time and practice more SIMs. Trying to do something different than last March.


    I am in the same boat as you guys. Fairly calm about my chances of passing FAR soon, after a failed attempt last month (seems they were throwing 68's for FAR previous quarter lol)

    I intend to stick to the same game plan + add NINJA MCQ and NINJA notes.

    BEC - July 2016 → 78
    AUD - Sep 2016
    REG - Nov 2016
    FAR - Feb 2017


    I plan on doing approx. 50 SIMS where last time I did < 10. Once you have the concepts down, this will reinforce your understanding of the way the new exam will be testing us (i.e. more application and analysis vs remembering/understanding). We will be CPA’s as of mid-August when we find out we passed we just got to put in the work now and make it happen.


    Ready to end this thing also…I'm feeling more confident this time around!

    AUD - 1st - 60 (12/12), 61 (2/13), 61 (8/13), 78! (11/15)
    REG - 55 (2/16) 69 (5/16) Retake(8/16)
    BEC - 71(5/16) Retake (9/16)
    FAR - (8/16)


    YESSSSS @matylo, best of luck to all. I feel like SH*T. Opening the books once again today after a 3 week hiatus



    I had FAR last and I was probably even more stressed for that one then any of the others! Score release date we were on vacation at the beach with my extended family and I stayed up until I got my score (PASSED!) I then went and woke up my sister to “quietly” scream my excitement


    I have been meaning to start a similar thread, this one serves the same purpose though – but of the “this is my last test and I have to sit around the August pondering my fate” thread. I'm giving REG one last go, and BEC expires this month so this really needs to be it. I thought I would be really pumped on this study round, excited at how close I would be, but I'm just really defeated and exhausted. Taking REG so many times, I'm just like, what's it gonna take that I haven't already done? I'm just exhausted.

    BEC - 74, 77
    FAR - 72, 71 (retake 7/29)
    REG - 69
    AUD - Q4 '16

    CA Candidate


    Honesty, my last was REG, and I studied so hard for it lol. I just wanted the studying to be done. Got my highest score too and avoided the 2017 changes! I mainly focused on the MCQs vs the SIMS but to do that you have to have a depth understanding of the MCQs and not just answer and move on without understanding fully.

    BEC 2/26/2016 81
    FAR 05/2016

    Purely Roger CPA Review, for now!


    For me the fact that we won't get scores until mid-August makes it hard to be motivated to study with one remaining. There's just no closure once you start studying and take the exam. If you don't pass you won't know for 3-4 months which is too long to retain much.


    @mtaylo24 ,you made good jump on FAR score.Your pattern shows you are set for pass in Q2.

    , I was expecting you to pass in March but it seems SIM killed you too.
    @spartan , my idea of this thread was exactly to know how to move forward.When I read the same page I feel tough to read again and wanted some hack.LOL


    I have AUD left and I honestly don't even want to start studying yet. I feel like I am in no rush because of the way the scores are going to be released, so I don't plan on taking it until end of May.


    @tygolfer , you are not alone ,this 18th August date has dampened the spirit of taking exam early.


    You start to see the light at the end of the tunnel for sure..

    But I also felt an extreme amount of pressure to pass AUD before the new exam was implemented and to avoid the long Q2 wait.

    I over studied for AUD, but I didn't want to leave anything in the tank


    Have any of you read the fine print of the new CPA Exam Blueprints published on AICPA? I am just curious if NINJA products are sufficient enough to study with. It seems they are really going to attack the questions in such a different way that going with a ridiculously expensive study option?

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