How bad is the new exam going to be?

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  • #1393490

    Does anyone actually know much about the new exam coming in April?

    I recently failed far (71) and aud (74) and am very unsure what to do next. I have heard many horrible things about the new exam and how we need to do anything we can to not take it. However, that is all stuff I’ve heard and unsure what is the truth.

    Does anyone who knows much about the exam have any advice on what to do? Take one of the exams q1 before the new exam and take another new exam? Rush and take both in q1? Wait for the new exam and take both?

    Any help is appreciated. Thanks

    BEC 4/22/16- 82
    REG 5/19/16
    FAR 7/7/16
    AUD 8/3/16

    Becker Fastpass

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  • #1393509

    I would absolutely try to take both in Q1, particularly because you were fairly close to passing them.

    FAR- 74, 78 (10/15)
    BEC- 73
    REG- 65, 88 (05/16)
    AUD- 7/16


    You're so close. If it were me, I'd retake AUD in mid-January since that's your highest score, and then take FAR in March. You CAN do this.


    The exam isn't necessarily going to be harder, it's going to be different. The CPA test prep centers are scared because they have to go into the unknown for their prep too…but everyone is in the same boat, and fail rates won't go up as much as you probably fear.

    Personally I like the changes they're doing and think they'd play to my strengths…they're emphasizing analysis and applied reasoning (reading) and moving away from memorization.


    I read that they are going to allow 2 – 15 min breaks for each of the exams is that true?

    AUD - 74 (3x), TBD
    BEC - Sept16
    FAR - TBD
    REG - TBD


    I would retake AUD beginning of January since you are so close and retake FAR at the end of the Q1 testing window (as far as possible).


    There is a what to expect video posted, I found it very informative and took the guess work out of what to expect. We already know that if we study, we will pass…..

    It begins with a 75
    Been here too long as a cheerleader....ready to pass


    The good thing is that you will get one standardized break that won't cut into your test time. Bad thing is you won't be able to go back and forth between different simulations. The simulations will not all be in one testlet. There will be 3 simulation testlets.

    FAR - June 2016 - 88
    REG - July 2016 - 89
    AUD - Aug 2016 - review phase currently
    BEC - Sep 2016 -

    Wiley CPA Excel & Ninja MCQ


    I think what they're doing is great…there should be less testing on memorizing minor exception processes that you'll never remember the day after, and which you'd just look up IRL. Hopefully the questions are testing theory and concepts more…with a lot more weight to problems and understanding the formulas and how to apply them.

    This memorizing the 200 ways IFRS differs from GAAP is BS.


    It should be more based on your reasoning, reading and analytical ability and less on how much time you spent memorizing mnemonics. It should take less time to study but fail as many people…which would shift the pass/fail rates for the takers a bit.


    I remember someone posting here that they knew of someone who attended a 2017 CPA exam change meeting at the AICPA in Virginia. His take away was that people should pass it as soon as they can, because the 2017 changes will kill pass rates for a long time until review courses figure out how to teach towards the new format. I heard a similar thing from a family friend. Having 3 sim testlets is absolutely absurd, considering most people fail due to the sims. Maybe they will curve? Idk, but Q2 and Q3 pass rates will be garbage.


    I disagree – I think the sims are the true test of ability. The current focus emphasizes this insane approach to data that no one remembers long term and which takes a second to research on line. It's a “how hard can you study” test rather than a “how smart are you and how well do you understand the concepts behind accounting” test. The tests most like that – audit and far – have the best pass rates. It helps people with less ability, but more endurance.

    I'd prefer it being a reading/analysis/concept test. Let people take formulas in with them…what is how many obscure formulas can you remember for one day accomplishing? It's horse crap, and it has no useful application. The question is how do you apply and understand the formulas. Make it more exclusionary, but less time wasting.

    I'm certainly biased because that's my skill set, but that's also the stuff that's useful and which measures ability. How long can you spend memorizing garbage for one day benefits no one. It would change who can pass…but I think for the better.


    I wonder if they are making more testlets so that people won't skip over the more difficult simulations. When I ran out of time on FAR, I left one really long simulation blank. I left that one for last on purpose. Maybe the more long winded simulations are more likely to be pretest and the AICPA is annoyed with people not finishing the pretest ones.

    The good thing about having more testlets is that you can go for a bathroom break between simulations. With all the exams after completing the MCQ testlets, I had to decide if my bladder was good for another hour and 45 minutes.

    FAR - June 2016 - 88
    REG - July 2016 - 89
    AUD - Aug 2016 - review phase currently
    BEC - Sep 2016 -

    Wiley CPA Excel & Ninja MCQ


    I think i'm going to try to get both done before the new exam, since I am close. I used becker and becker final review. Does anyone have advice on supplementing? I am considering Ninja MC and/or audio. I have ninja notes as well. Thank you all!

    BEC 4/22/16- 82
    REG 5/19/16
    FAR 7/7/16
    AUD 8/3/16

    Becker Fastpass


    @aaronmo There is still going to be a lot of memorization involved regardless of how they weigh the test. Sims require even stronger mastery of the material that you needed to memorize. Your margin for error in a sim is extremely small especially if you get a bunch of sims that require journal entries. If the sims are less difficult than they have been in the past then yea you might be right. But if they are just as difficult and random as they can be then I don't see how this benefits anyone even yourself. I think pass rates will be very low this year starting with the changes.

    And you got them mixed up. AUD and FAR have the LOWEST pass rates. BEC and REG are the ones that statistically have higher pass rates.

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