Helping a student with the CPA exam

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  • #3152781

    I confess I am NOT an accountant, nor a CPA candidate. I teach at a university. And one of my students desperately wants to be a CPA. And I’ve tried to be encouraging. Thing is, I’m starting to think it’s not in the cards.

    A few facts.

    This student is 35. According to the stats on passing, that’s the age range with the lowest pass rate.

    This student has terrible test anxiety. Actually threw up the morning of the last test.

    The student took AUD first and passed on the second try. But in more than a YEAR after that took and failed BEC three times. Gave up and took REG, which was passed…but 19 months after passing AUD so that’s back to square one, with one exam passed (as I understand it you have to pass them all with 18 months, and anything outside that window has to be retaken).

    Basically this person has been studying and trying to pass for almost 3 years. I gather that the data says the average candidate passes all four modules in 6-12 months. With one exam to the “good”, a terrible record so far on BEC and such slow progression, I’m not convinced passing is a realistic expectation. Too many distractions, what with personal life and a full time job, and too much test anxiety.

    I hate to be a Debbie-Downer, but I’m not in the habit of lying to students, current or past. I try to be as honest about things as I can be. I’ve helped many a student with resumes, applications for grad school, and even coached a few on job interviews and how to behave in internships. I really do try to help prepare them for life after college. But part of that is being honest. I understand that value of encouragement and support, but I also know that sometimes, no matter how much you want something you may just not have what it takes to get it.

    So…my question for those of you taking the exam or who’ve passed it. Does this sound like someone who’s going to make it? Does anyone know someone with this sort of track record who did finally pass?

    Many thanks!


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  • #3152949

    “Does this sound like someone who's going to make it?”

    First thing that stood out to me was the extreme test anxiety. I personally think much of the value of passing the CPA exam is developing mental grit and fortitude. I would highly suggest therapy to help the student understand the underlying issues which cause their test anxiety. Finding the root of the anxiety is critical and should be addressed before any further studying.

    Once the student finds what causes the anxiety they should be aware of what triggers the anxiety and find mechanisms to cope or ways to reframe their anxiety-inducing thoughts. This could be as simple as keeping a journal while studying and writing down various thoughts unrelated to the study content which occupies their mind.

    I will say there is a major bright-spot. The fact the student passed both AUD and REG. Usually displaying the ability to pass one section proves you have the aptitude and ability to pass all of them. We need to find exactly how and why the student was successful in those attempts and how these findings can be applied to the remaining sections. Again, journaling might be beneficial.

    At the end of the day no one can pass the CPA exam for this student. It boils down to the individual and whether they are willing to do whatever it takes. If your student truly wants to pass it could require taking a leave of absence from working to focus full-time on studying (I had to do this).


    They'll make it – it's a matter of how pissed off and stubborn they want to be.

    If they fight – they WILL pass it.

    If they fail, take breaks, blame external variables, feel sorry for themselves, they won't pass.

    You can send them my story if it will help:


    My two cents.
    That the candidate is 35 years of age is actually not very relevant. It is obvious from your post that he wants it badly and willing to do what it takes to pass this exam.
    Like someone else said he did pass 2 sections already but he did pass AUD and REG – both of which I recently passed with so-so scores.
    There is something about BEC that is just not sinking in for him. My personal view is BEC the material is not vast but tricky and not very intuitive. I got lucky with BEC because a lot of the economics was covered in the MBA and also the cost accounting material is something I just happened to be doing as part of my day job

    I would suggest an extreme approach, instead of going through typical CPA study material of whatever review course he is doing, may be he can go to Econ 101 OR 1st year ECON classes -I found some short Khan Academy lectures helpful to sink in or some costing related material available on the web

    I feel that neither the fact that he is 35 or that he has failed multiple times should be reason enough for him to give up. If he wants it badly enough, he should keep trying with perhaps major changes in what he relies on for studying. May be find a person that teaches undergrad on that particular subject that can explain the concepts to him in a way that one can retain and apply in an exam context.

    I have seen most people on this post encourage each other and celebrate success and also give helpful suggestions so once can get over that hump. He still has a fair shot , like the other poster said, provided he makes these changes.

    I do not believe in general needs to study full-time. The extreme level of exam anxiety is a definite challenge and I have no experience with that in that way
    Here is wishing him good luck. Keep the fight. There are many here that have been through and come out on the other side.


    Its been already 4 years🤕 and ive only passed 2 sections so far. This test is no joke but it can be done if you firmly believe that he or she can pass. Ive been failing alot due to lack of focus and distractions in life. Ive been really trying hard to change my life style. More exercise, doing some meditation to increase my focus level, better diet, and telling myself every single day that i can pass them all. I truly believe he can pass them all once he changes his life style first. He needs to reduce his anxiety level to a reasonable level and he needs to find more time to study. Also as long as he believes there is no limitation to a human beings potential he should be fine
    If he can pass one, hell he can pass the others


    It sounds like he is very motivated which is a good thing, most people would have quit a long time ago. It seems like he just needs some structure and guidance. I'm not sure how he was studying for those exams but with the right review course I believe he can pass. I have been using Roger for a while now, and let me tell you besides the awesome features and amazing mobile app Roger is an amazing lecturer. The way Roger explains the material is nothing like I have ever experienced in undergrad or grad school, it's just so easy to follow and simple. But my point that relates to your post, Roger is great at motivating students and reassuring them, he always says “IF YOU STUDY, YOU WILL PASS” and it is true. If you follow Roger's study plan and make sure you meet the Smartpath goals YOU WILL PASS.

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