Get Real or Give Up

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  • #1681406

    This is what I am telling myself at this point. I know that I need to get real and start studying seriously and get this over with, or just give up and stop 1/2 assing it. There’s no way I will pass studying here & there. I need to 100% commit and make it my top priority. I need to take it serious and study hard. Or just stop wasting my time and money. I want to quit because I feel defeated as I just failed my third exam, but I know I am not putting in 100%. But I also don’t know if I care to or want it that bad, I guess. Work is busy, life is enjoyable right now, things are happening, I get lazy, whatever reason, I just haven’t been putting in the time. I’ve got friends who woke up early before work and stayed up late nights after work to study, and passed their first try. Not saying I would pass if I studied that way, because I know it is difficult and varies per person, but I can’t expect to pass if I am barely studying. I am not practicing as many MC as I should. I am barely making it through the book once. I am not covering all the material. I don’t even view the SIMs. Basically I am setting myself up for failure. So I just need to stop. Or I need to take it serious. Anyway, just venting. I am very mad at myself right now.

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  • #1681418

    So while being in limbo the last couple of weeks I've had time to ponder my new-found success with the exams. I struggled for SO LONG (just over 2.5 years at this point) and then all of a sudden, I got some passing scores. “So why the change?,” I wondered. And I think that is it – I finally started taking the exams seriously. I started putting in the work. It sucks a lot of the time, but I know that if I keep my head down now I can be done in 6 months. What's 6 months in the span of things to never have to worry or do it again? If you want it, then do it. But you have to WANT it, because otherwise you're never going to invest the time and make the sacrifices that have to be made to pass these exams. If you want it, then just do it. Get it done and get out of here. The sooner you start, the sooner you're done.

    AUD - 56 - 68 - 61 - 9/8/16
    REG - 75
    FAR - 7/15/16
    BEC - TBD

    Wiley CPAexcel and NINJA 10 Point Combo


    I never really wanted the CPA. I never worked public, and to be honest, every job posting I see requiring CPA usually comes along with the requirement for experience in public. I am not one to feel any sort of prestige for passing a test that is, quite frankly, only a measurement of what you can remember for a short period of time. I was never going to audit financial statements, nor do I have any particular drive to start my own practice. I didn't see the point. I started down the path because of my Wife. Her dad was a partner at Ernst and Something (not sure what it was at the time). Her sister was a senior manager at PWC and moved on to a big hot shot role at a major oil company. Her other sister is a current partner at E&Y. Needless to say there was a little pressure due to having 3 CPAs in the family and me being the one accountant. That led me down the path, though half halfheartedly. Now I have failed FAR twice with a 74. Now its personal. I know I am 100% capable of not just passing the exam, but dominating it, yet I have failed twice. Im not sure how much I studied for those two tries, but I assure you it does not add up anywhere close to the avg study time reported. I phoned it in. Now my slack preparation makes me look bad, like I can't handle the exam. That is unacceptable. I WILL pass. I have a plan. I am going to attack. By the end of January I will have passed FAR.

    So, I guess my advice is find a way to make it personal. If you cannot make yourself buy in, it'll never happen.


    Hi There,
    I was in the SAME exact boat as you. Literally had never felt so down or depressed. It was extremely hard especially being in public accounting with most everyone else around me passing. I finally started passing exams due to like you said above: studying it ALL, not skipping over materials or sims( i used to not do the sims in becker either). I took FAR literally 5 times maybe even more (since 2014) and wasted so much time and I finally passed with a 79. I cried of joy. But anyways, don't give up – dig deep! Set a schedule that works and stick to it. I do agree you have to be at a point in your life that you want it. I played college volleyball and after i graduated, I enjoyed my freedom from school and sports and slacked off on the test. Yes its taking me longer – but i will do this and so can you! Reach out to me if you ever need to chat more!

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