First Exam Scheduling Concerns!

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  • #2117304

    Hi all, I am graduating college at the end of March and will be sending in my transcripts and application during the first week of April.

    I want to take the FAR exam first in July as soon as possible when the testing window opens. However, I have a flight planned for mid July. I’m worried that I will not be approved or scheduled to sit before my flight. Ideally, I want to take my exam before I travel! I called the CBA and they were a bit confusing in answering my question.

    My questions:
    How long did it take you to sit for your first exam after you sent in your transcripts and application?

    Is April 1st-July 15th enough time for me to send in transcripts and application, get approved, schedule a test date, and take the exam?

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  • #2117541

    I submitted all my transcripts and applications the last week of June and received my NTS the second week of August (about 6 weeks later). By that time a lot of the time slots in August for the test were taken so I didn't end up taking the exam until Sept. 10th! I would say your time frame is probably good, but the sooner you send in the application stuff the better!


    It took me almost 8 weeks to get my first NTS. I would just start the process before you graduate like in Feb and then they would have it done and sent to you by the time you finish. The NTS lasts 6 months so you would be able to schedule an exam in July even if they sent it to you early (which they won't, they take forever to do everything). I also recommend having to request as little NTS's as possible. The fee is $100 every time so try squeezing two exams within 6 months if you can, just maybe not on your first NTS.


    I know I am the exception, but I sent everything in in Feb. and did not get an NTS until August. I had to take them while working instead of the summer after school. You definitely have to be able to adapt to what they come up with.
    I reduced my hours (very lucky to have a very supportive boss) and have been studying my butt off to finish all 4 before tax season kicks in full force.


    Definitely make a lot of follow-up phone calls and generally be a nuisance to them. I can't remember my exact timeframe but I had waited longer than expected for my first NTS and when I called to check on my application they put me on hold, then came back and said, “Yes we have it here and we'll process it this afternoon.” And then I got my NTS the next day. If I hadn't called who knows how long my application would have been just sitting there.

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