Filing a complaint after exam - Page 2

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  • #855697

    Hi there, I can’t seem to find definitive details online or on this forum although it has to been discussed several times so I apologize. can someone who’s recently sat an exam provide me with the contact e-mail for filing a complaint after an exam? I’ve forgotten my attendance form at home, where I currently have no internet and want to get my complaint in before my 5 days are up! Thank you!

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  • Author
  • #1304257

    just took reg today and had the same experience. 🙁

    Aud - 60,70,72,69,80 (2/19/16)


    Ok. Interesting CPA shortage article but why is the CPA getting harder then? They're adding a grad degree + changing the CPA exam format. 75% of old CPAs are retiring. Do they want to keep the CPA numbers low? I think its good though. You probably get paid more. Less quantity more demand. You might also have to work harder. lol


    @Sensei Education requirements vary from one state to another, so a Master's has been required in some states already and still isn't required in other states. As for the exam changing, they're trying to make it more “real world application” and less “recite this facts from the book”. I think it will take some time for the transition to be figured out, but in time I think it will make it a more practical exam so hopefully “easier” to pass in that it's more real-world, you don't have to try to wrap your mind around some abstract exam philosophy to pass. It will be harder at first, but I think it will be a better exam format in the long run.

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