FEMA Credits for CPA exam (NY)

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  • #3033186

    Hi all, I’m looking for advice on what to do in my situation:

    Currently I am a rising senior with about ~85 credits (expected to graduate with 120 credits spring 2021). A few months ago, Charter Oak State College announced they would stop accepting FEMA credits early May so I rushed to complete them and now have 30 FEMA credits on a Charter Oak transcript.

    I know that there are a few people online that have said the FEMA credits worked for them when taking the CPA exam, but I’m worried at some point NY will stop accepting them. On my resume I have down that I’m expected to graduate with 150 credits in spring 2021, and I just want to be sure that is true.

    My question is: can I send my FEMA transcript and my current uncompleted college transcript to NASBA now, and then resend my completed college transcript in spring 2021? Would that basically “lock in” the FEMA credits if they are accepted? How would that process work?

    Thanks all

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  • Author
  • #3047157

    Hi, I don't know the answer to your question, but I would suggest contacting NASBA. I reached out to them about my situation, I think by phone but I'm not sure. I was doing a lot of sorting through things this spring. At any rate, someone was able to answer my question about my jurisdiction.


    Hi, you can send NASBA your transcript anytime when you met the minimum requirement to take the exam, NASBA will evaluate your transcript and determine your eligibility to sit for the exam. You can then submit your complete transcript when you get your 150 credits. I have submit my 120 and 150 credits separately, it won't be a problem.

    However, in NYS, what locks your credits is actually your application fee to the board of education. You must submit for initial application and paid for the fee. Only by that they will lock your education credit (even if you get them sit on NASBA). You can pay your application fee. NYS will tells you the application will become inactive after 1 or 3 years, however, if you keep your check image you can reactive your application anytime you want (until you request for a refund and cancel the application).

    It's very normal to send NASBA separate transcripts, because you can sit after 120 credit but not get license until 150 credits.

    New York - NYC
    Passed CPA Exam (11/2014)
    In search for a position in NYC that will fulfills the license requirement.

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