Felt like you nailed it after the test… - Page 2

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  • #1674100

    Did you end up with a passing score or a failure. Did your feelings match your score or did you under/over estimate your performance.
    So when I took REG in August I was positive I failed to the point I thought I’d score in the 60s there was just to much I was unsure of in my eyes.
    When I took FAR in October I came out conflicted. I was happy that nothing suprised me but I just felt like I didn’t manage my time well I ended up with 20 extra mins that I really needed during the MCQs that I struggled through and rushed because I was just using to much time.
    Yesterday after BEC I fell awesome. Nothing suprised me, I felt like a lot of it I knew cold with very little hesitation or guessing. I was also preforming well on the material in my review course.
    What do you think? My feeling were wrong on REG, hopefully there right on the next to.
    How’d it go for you?

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  • #1674494

    Thought I did ok on REG, passed with a 76
    Hail Mary on BEC, felt great about the WCs, failed with a 69
    Round 2 BEC, felt like I got my ass kicked, failed with a 72
    Thought I crushed AUD, failed with a 62

    Conclusion: Who tf knows?


    AUD was the only one I felt confident while leaving. I should clarify that I felt I nailed the MCQ and passing would be determined on the sims which I felt less confident in.

    Ended up passing.

    REG & BEC felt ok when leaving. REG I also felt like I nailed the MCQ and the sims would determine the pass or fail.

    Ended up passing REG & BEC.

    FAR is 12/9 and I will probably feel the least confident while leaving compared to the rest of the sections.


    Took BEC first so I left feeling unsure as to the grading; really wasn't sure if I would pass because I skipped a chapter in the book but I did pass with an 81 which was a confidence boost.

    AUD (1st failed attempt) I left knowing I failed and definitely sobbed in my car in the Prometric parking lot (haven't we all?). I knew I aced the MC's but there was only one sim I for sure knew…so I ended up with a 73.

    AUD passing attempt I left knowing I for sure passed and didn't worry about my score during the long score release wait times. Got an 85.

    REG I was surprisingly iffy on…I felt okay about the attempt and really thought if I passed it was with a 75 but I got an 85. I left prometric feeling happy but then that turned into panic because I realized the mistakes I made LOL. Did not leave having the same for sure confidence I did with AUD (goes to show you that you really cannot be super sure about your exam scores…just depends on other candidates)

    FAR….we will find out in December. I am trying to remain optimistic but I am nearly out of time and behind on the material… I will for sure keep studying after my FAR exam


    I passed when I thought I failed and also passed when I thought I passed. Feelings don't matter.

    4 for 4

    FAR 85
    AUD 94
    BEC 86
    REG 90


    That explains it haha. I'm excellent at individual taxation. I also remember the main concepts, but I struggle remembering the details. I learn by doing MCQs and reading why my answer is right and/or why it is wrong. Since this is the way I prepared, I felt like I had good practice before going into the exam, but I think I panicked right before so I questioned my own knowledge when answering the questions.

    AUD: 83 (Aug. 2015)
    FAR: 78 (Nov. 2015)
    REG: TBA
    BEC: TBA

    Big Mike

    Took REG first so didn't know what to expect. Felt it was 50:50 but if I was a betting man id say pass. Ended with an 81.

    Next I took FAR. Felt crushed by the MC and Sims. 20:80 chance I passed. Got a 75 on the nose.

    Left BEC feeling like a million bucks after 2 weeks of study. 94.

    Left AUD with another 50:50 feeling with only 2 week study. 74.
    Now waiting for my AUD score for Q4


    Took far first, felt it could go either way but thought I passed-80

    Audit I was confident I passed-82

    Bec thought I failed – 66

    Bec retake waiting on score but feeling another fail. Hopefully im 3 out of 4 on guessing


    So now that scores have been released, I felt like I nailed Bec and I most certainly did with a score of 91, FAR felt like I toss up fortunately I ended up on the winning side with a 77!!!
    Now that scores have been released for Q4 how was everyone else's gut feeling compared to scores?


    I didn't post originally, but my gut was pretty accurate this round. I felt like I did ok on REG, and I was hopeful it was enough to get me a 75, but I knew I had a fighting chance.

    For BEC, I did not feel confident and kept saying that I won't be surprised if I passed. So of course, I was not surprised when I saw the 70 this morning.

    But your BEC score is impressive @kay! May I ask what you did to prepare for it? I will be taking it again next month and would love some advice.

    AUD - 56 - 68 - 61 - 9/8/16
    REG - 75
    FAR - 7/15/16
    BEC - TBD

    Wiley CPAexcel and NINJA 10 Point Combo


    I have never felt like I “nailed it” after a test.

    REG – thought it would be close, but wasn't sure if i'd pass or fail
    BEC – guessed on 75% of the exam after studying only 3 weeks while working busy season audit hours, no idea how I pulled that off honestly
    AUD – most annoying exam of them all, everything felt like it could be right or wrong, swore I failed
    FAR – left that exam completely beaten and REKT, thought that I had scored in the 50s – low 60s after flagging most of my first MCQ testlets, and none of my second…still haven't fully grasped the fact that I passed that beast


    Jennifer, I'm a very conceptual person. The more I can relate something to what makes logical sense in the real world the better. My only advice is don't worry about memorizing formulas learn concepts.
    I studied the least for BEC but understand the underlying theory the best. So unfortunately I don't have advice other then to say we all have strengths and while I still can't always identify the proper journal entries to record certain transactions or know what a certain accounts normal balance is, I can identify the effects of different inventory costing methods on an income statement, and know what type of business I'm dealing with if the demand is highly elastic. Just keep at it and like I said learn the concepts the “why” behind it because then even if you can't calculate the correct answer you can make an accurate guess based on what should be happening in the situation. This is literally how I got through all the variance analysis questions.


    For AUD I felt the most confident that I've ever felt taking a test. Taking the test I felt there were no surprises and probably only had to guess on 3 or 4 questions total. I really believed that there was no way I wasn't going to pass and so I was floored this morning to see that I ended up with a 70.

    Financial I wasn't as surprised but I felt good enough to pass. Certainly didn't think my FAR score would be higher than AUD.


    I felt like I passed and I did (similar feeling and score to your experience). I knew I made mistakes (especially on one of my SIM's), but overall I felt like I knew the material and that the exam reflected that.

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