Feel like CPA is not for me need advice !! HELP!!

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  • #1395840

    I passed REG 66,73,82(expired) beccause of BEC
    I passed FAR 64,73,80

    FAil BEC 69,66,72
    FAil AUD 73,69

    I liked FAR though it was tough to get through. Most challenging for me was BEC . I really do not know how to study this part. Its been a while and i am so demotivated , now lost my REG credit .
    As long as i was taking 1 exam in one window i eventually pass two hardest exam. I have CPA excel, Wiley BOOK, wiley test bank ,( Becker and Roger book as well). Should i read Becker book or Wiley book. For the last BEC attempt i studied with NINJA MC and Wiley book Q and got 72.
    I am really lost, feel like quitting . Now i have 3 window and three exam before i loose FAR on AUG 31/17. Please help me what and how should i study. I am loosing hope. Should i take BEC as it is fresh now. Should i take 1 exam in one window .Also this window is last before the changes to new version. I was thinking to take AUD and BEC in this window. I took REG and PASS 18 m ago so its not fresh.
    HELP me with BEC ,my ninja is expired should i get ninja again. I am lost!!!! English is my second language. The written part is tripping me over and over again, on top of it i cannot type.And both of these skill can not be learn now at short span of time.

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  • #1395875

    What part of BEC do you find yourself struggling with? How are you prepping? It might be me, but I thought BEC was, by far, Becker's weakest prep area. Maybe another one would be better for that section? No experience with others to offer, but I found becker wanting in BEC.

    I had a really tough time with COSO frameworks and the IT non-sense. I could also see someone struggling with econ, though I was able to basically pick that up. I think I had a hard time with it because it was all overwrought non-sense. I basically just gutted it out as best I could, memorized the mnemonics as best as I could and went in knowing it would be an area of weakness. I tried to compensate by KILLING cost and econ.

    The cost section was all pretty vanilla, except the variance stuff was, for me, challenging. I know we used a different method using columns when I took Cost, and it made a lot more sense to me. I found the formulas less intuitive to use when dealing with overhead…and I was totally unable to follow the tabular method.


    I should have read your whole post, apologies. I just saw that English is second language for you…

    First…COMPLETELY respect that you're doing this with a challenge like that…I can't imagine taking an exam this difficult in a language that isn't my native tongue.

    I'm not sure what to advise on the writing section…it's going to be a challenge and something you have to compensate for. I'd keep sentences very short and very on point to minimize mistakes. If you have friends/family that can help, I'd practice writing sample essays and getting their feedback.

    I would also imagine that COSO frameworks are going to be brutal…I had a tough time following their manufactured nuance, and half of their separated elements are all interrelated. I think I would take a keyword memorization approach…try to connect certain works with certain functions. Like Reporting – Monitor.


    @ aaronmo Thanks for your reply. I just got my break down ,
    Week on IT and strategic planing.
    Strong on on COSO and operational management.
    Comparable on eco and Fin MAG
    Also week on SIM . No matter what i do i an week on both IT and WC.


    I'm not sure what they mean by strategic planning, but that sounds like the cost accounting section…and I don't think the language barrier should hurt you much there. All I can say with cost accounting is that you need to understand the different approaches and methods…I'd maybe try a different prep service, or a tutor. It's practice and repetition.

    IT was a PAIN IN THE RECTUM, but it was, conceptually, similar to COSO…so if you can do COSO, you can do IT. I think that's just flash cards and repetition.


    Strategic planing is (according to Wiley book.But it has no separate chapter allotted to it.)
    Budgeting and variance.
    Market and risk analysis (i do not know where in the it is in Wiley book or any book).
    Strategy Development , implementation and Monitoring.
    Foretasting and protections.


    Any one i need strategy please help .I am loosing hope . Please give me hope. On the battle of quitting .


    The only hope is not to quit if this is something you really want and keep pushing. There are plenty of people out there taking the exam who speak english as a second language. You just have to accept that its probably going to take you longer to learn and master the concepts because of the language barrier. There are questions I come across and I have to google word definitions. Also, practice the writing portion.

    In order to get more detailed advice on study approach, you will need to tell us how you studied for your last exam.

    AUD - 73, 72 retake 7/2/2016
    BEC - 8/20/2016
    REG - TBD
    FAR - TBD

    I am so ready for this nightmare to be over. Been at this way too long.


    For my last BEC retake i did NiNJA MC non stop and was scoring 64% on AV. Also used wiley book for MC . This time my Actual score went from 66 to 72 but fail. I really do learn from lectures and MC. But with IT no matter how i study i always get week on this section.
    At my second retake i did practice WC and got comparable because i got one Q on a topic i knew well. But as a slow typing speed get in a way every time.
    For BEC exam my score goes up and down with every retake. With FAR and REG it always goes up and eventually on my third attempt i passed both. I know i am a slow learner if i get BEC out of the way i will be very happy and motivated. I am not very organized with my study . I need a plan and will stick with it.Please share your thoughts. Don't get me wrong i am putting hours i need but i need new strategy to deal with this BEC exam .


    Please help !Should i buy new review !


    First, do you work full time? If you don't you have plenty of time..I would go slow and take things in little by little..you said you learn best with lectures and MCQ. I would watch all lectures there are with ROGER CPA on youtube associated with BEC section. Read the book!! I understand if english isn't the first language it may be hard but still read.. and then knock the MCQ out. That's the best I could say..

    Im struggling with FAR too.. got a 65 on my first try and now retaking, things aren't any easier but don't lose hope.. If you can't help yourself no one else can. It is up to YOU to determine how far you can go. As far as the writing section dont worry too much on the topic, when I took it I had no one clue about what it was asking but I knew the key words that matched it. For instance, if the topic was about IFRS or foreign currency just try to tie some key terms in like hedging, foreign currency translation vs transaction gain/losses. Just write it like an essay but with as many key terms as possible.

    Good Luck!



    Thanks for your words of encouragement. My post was more of a vent out . Really only a cpa candidate can understand the pain of each. Good luck guys. Slow and study i will win the race.

    Zhipeng Sun

    First of all, I swear I'm not advertising agent for Ninja, but boy did they work. More specifically Ninja MCQ. Honestly, I don't find Ninja Notes work that well for such a high price. But MCQ… I can honestly say, I passed all four parts 90% due to Ninja MCQ.
    My suggestion to you is to work on MCQ over and over again.
    BTW, English is my second language, too. I'm a Chinese. You just need to rationalize your point. Think about what you want to write before you do. BEC should be relatively easier compare to other three, relatively.

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