FAR Memorization?

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  • #199857

    IDK about you guys but I find about 80% of FAR (as taught by Becker) to be EASY. The difficulty is in the memorization. There is simply too much. Did the people who passed FAR memorize all this nonsense or am I missing something?

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  • #756873

    are you trolling? LOL

    BEC: Fall 2016
    AUD: Spring 2016
    REG: Summer 2016


    Sunni, I will voice a somewhat less popular opinion on this forum: nothing about the CPA exam is out of this world. Most of the material is very basic; however, the sheer volume of information that you need to learn can scare almost anyone.

    You can cram if you know that works for you; that approach never worked for me though. I need to understand the logic and how different pieces connect. Also, not sure how well memorization will work if you don't understand the underlying concepts since ultimately you need to apply them to fresh facts on the exam.

    AUD - passed
    REG - passed
    BEC - passed
    FAR - passed


    Im not trolling. I dont find most of this material difficult at all. But memorizing all this shit at once is ridiculous.


    If you find it easy, what is there really to memorize? I found several chapters/topics not at all easy like Pensions, bonds, etc

    BEC - 02/21/15 - 82
    FAR - 05/29/15 - 82
    AUD - 07/09/15 - 93
    REG - 11/14/15 - 80

    All done!!!


    Im saying if this was separated into two test I would pass them easily because I wouldnt have to retain so much info. Before I started to buckle down and get this done I got a 67 w/o studying GNP, but i feel that was more luck of the draw than anything. IMO REG is the hard one


    I was just joking, I didn't really think you were trolling! I agree, the sheer volume is of information is the killer.

    BEC: Fall 2016
    AUD: Spring 2016
    REG: Summer 2016


    Memorizing wont benefit you on this test. Yes, memorizing the formulas will help…but understanding the underlying concepts is essential



    Your experience is similar to my first impression of FAR. As I went through each chapter, I came out of it thinking “that wasn't tooo bad, the concepts are fairly easy to learn” with the exception of leases and income tax (F5 & F6 urrgh). Knowing the concept is half the battle (yay you're 50% of the way there!) and keeping it in your brain in the other half.

    As I'm going through each chapter for review, I realize how difficult it is to regurgitate the formulas and JEs I've studied from before. If you're not allotting yourself much review time, I'd highly recommend doing progress tests at the end of each lecture. I didn't do that til F5 and realized I forgot most of F1-F3 by then 🙁 I've also mostly been working through muscle memory. Even though I may not remember the exact formulas, I'll try to work my way through what seems logical and correct, which is why people always recommend hammering through MCQs. I personally found handwriting the JEs and the difficult calculations the most effective for me, whereas some others like notecards. Good luck!

    FAR: 2/12
    AUD: April

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