FAR For Last

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  • #1574288

    How long should one study for FAR? I’ve been reading and taking notes in the book the past week so far. Will be working full time as well. I was thinking about a chapter and a half a week.

    I previously tried two chapters a week in four weeks for REG my first take and it definitely not enjoyable.

    BEC- 77
    AUD- 70, 75
    REG- 73, 5/22(Retake)
    FAR- 8/?- 9/10

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  • #1574302

    I successfully prepared for FAR in 8 weeks, spent 5 weeks going through the book (Roger) and lectures, and 3 weeks on MCQ and SIM practice. Total hours were around 130-140. I also worked full-time, but I did take four full days of PTO just before my exam date.

    No, it was not enjoyable.

    B - 77 (2.27.16)
    A - 81 (4.18.16)
    R -
    F -

    Roger Review + Ninja MCQs


    @mecrushya I'd like to go through somewhat decently I hope. I did REG first time in about 3 1/2 weeks and I was absolutely miserable. I was a zombie pretty much all I did was study and left about less than 10 days of review… result was 73, but the Q1 window was closing thats why I crammed.

    I was thinking about 8 to 10 weeks for FAR, 8 weeks studying 2 weeks of review


    For retake all you need is one month- Do lots of mcq and read the book for sections you are unsure of!


    @ActionCPA this will be my first attempt, I am hoping to make it my only attempt and last test. Recently purchased Ninja Audio – FAR, for the commute home (I zone out too much on the way to work, tried it before with REG audio)


    @Elden Andrews

    I am sorry- I think you have plenty of time to fully gear yourself until the test. I did too buy Ninja audio and listened to it on my commute. I can't really say it helped me pass the exam but I did listen to it alot. What I found most effective was quality of time spent working on mcqs and focusing on reading topics I had trouble with. In my opinion, people fail far because they don't put enough time in it.


    @ActionCPA I always get caught up in the quantity game vs the quality game when it comes to following Becker outlines for following studying plans. The last few attempts I don't even set an effective test date cause it ends up stressing me out and lowers the quality of my studying being so worried about hitting the marks.


    @ActionCPA I think to start I will be doing a chapter a week, if I find myself going too slow then I'll move faster.


    Something I recommend for BEC and FAR is print out all mcqs and rank them by its level of difficultyties. Then I would repeat the hard ones until I can do them without a fear of getting it wrong. I think for BEC and FAR, it is important to see the paterns in mcqs. Also,use j/e for any relevant mcqs. Print out most commonly used debit and credit entries and know them by heart. For example, you would debit expense, assets, loss to increase them while you would credit gain, revenue/sales, liability to increase them.

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