FAR exam experience Q4 - Page 2

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  • #2068121

    So I just finished taking my FAR exam yesterday… MCQ’s were pretty straightforward. I think the weightage percentage set by AICPA is all wrong… The SIM’s weren’t too bad either. I did not have a single DRS SIM. but some of the SIM’s were completely out of left field. The Becker SIM’s do not compare at all. After coming out of the Prometric centre, I had mixed feelings. I did not know whether to be happy or be sad. Waiting for 12/11.

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  • #2086416

    Hey there! Took FAR on November 15th. Dumb question – what is a DRS?


    I took FAR tonight, and I did not have a DRS at all, I wish I would have. The Sims I had were a beast. I had 3 out of my 8 were over the exact same topic but just different details and events. I had one sim that literally had 43 boxes that you had to enter information it took almost 45mins alone, and what’s sad is with that many boxes for answers they were prolly worth like a tenth of a point each. My research SIM was wordered so that non of the key words to use in the advance search would pull it and if you used a more broad term it would show like 85 results. The CPA exam is a lot like the lottery it’s complete luck. If you get a straight forward good exam you have a great chance to pass. I can not say what was on my exam but I can tell you what I wasted time studying on Bonds, leases, EPS, pension, depreciation, consolidations, income tax, and inventory.


    I just took FAR yesterday. 12/8. I had tons of DRS (document review simulations) and I just tried my best to fill out all the blanks. I miss one Journal entry simulation for sure because I chose no JE required but actually I do need to prepare JE. I think I did okay on MCQ and Research SIM. Am I still be able to pass?


    I just took Far for the first time, still waiting for my score. All 7 of my non-research tbs had 5-8 documents to sort through. They were all more complicated than anything I had ever seen in practice. The research tbs was more difficult too.
    My review course (rogercpareview) prepared me well for the MC, but I was very underprepared for the tbs.


    @Preksha, looks like you gave all exams in a month. How long did you study for FAR?


    I took FAR Dec 10. I only had one DRS, and the research question was extremely difficult. The mcq's were not horrible, but for some of the sims, what was being asked did not make a lot of sense (to me anyway). With the sims being 50% of the grade, my score could go either way. Dec 19th cannot get here quick enough.


    @TryAgain I agree, on some of the SIMs it's like, I know the answer to this, but how do they want me to enter the data. It's very frustrating when there is some ambiguity in the directions. AICPA needs to really work on this. I'm with you, 50/50 that I passed. We shall see!


    @ekta. Yes I gave all the 4 sections of the exam in one month. I studied for FAR for approximately 2 months.Practise a lot of MCQ's, get familiar with the concepts and even though FAR is daunting FAR like the others say is a mile wide and an inch deep.

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