FAR Dec 9th. Is it doable?

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  • #2041733

    This is my last section and I have not yet started studying. I study full time and use Ninja for MCQ.
    Do you think FAR is doable in one month? If so, please suggest study strategy.

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  • #2041742

    Yes it is. I studied for FAR about 8 weeks at a super lax capacity. It was my last one and took twice as long as any of the other ones (I was working full-time during all 4 of them). I haven't used NINJA, but here is what I would recommend-
    1. Divide the course into roughly thirds
    2. Complete each third in ten days- note this is going to be a lot to handle
    3. Use the last 9 days to review overall for the exam.

    FAR is a huge exam in amount of material, so I would recommend you start studying today if you are serious about it.


    It would be tough, but my counter question… what have you got to lose?
    If its your last one, try and cram for it, if you miss you'll know soon enough, and retake in 2019Q1.


    Definitely not doable. I am taking FAR on Dec 9th and I've been studying since Sep 24th. My studying schedule is basically 10 weeks from (Sep 24 to Nov30) to get through all the lectures, M/C and sims. I will then use Dec 1-8 to review.


    ^^^^ I guess everyone's different, but I did FAR in 8 weeks at 12-15 hours a week.-say 120 hours total. If you're studying full-time (40-50 hours a week), I'm not seeing any reason that you couldn't be ready by December 9th. It's not gonna be easy, but I wouldn't say it's not doable.


    Doable yes, difficult though. NINJA is your only material?


    Thank you for the responses; I am going to give December 9th a shot. @Felixsphone I use Becker as my primary material


    I think it is doable. I am using Roger and I can get through the book in a week if I study full time. I usually go through the book 3 times before I feel ready. By that I mean all MCQs, all TBS, and I pick and choose lectures of material I struggle with. So that's about 3-4 weeks of studying.


    This is definitely doable. That is more than enough time. It would also be of much help if you already have a background of the topics covered (fresh grad or had been working in a external audit capacity?).

    Week 1: Cover all MCQs and take note of all the mistakes.
    Week 2: Focus on your weak areas. Watch videos of lecture and do the MCQs and SIMS.
    Week 3: Repeat all MCQs again.
    Week 4: Read up on areas again which you are having difficulty.

    Due to the nature of my work, I didn't have enough time to study and I focused only on my weak areas (Pension, Govt Accounting). I studied only those areas in 1 day because I was trying to catch up with the quarter 3 release of scores. I am happy to say I passed on my first try.


    I think it is doable, I just started studying FAR and am taking it December 8th, I hope to get about 30 good days of studying in and around 8-hours on each of those days, to try and get me around 250 hours of studying during these 5 weeks. If I can't pass FAR with 250 hours of studying, then I have to spend the Holidays wondering if I should quit the entire CPA process. I could give myself another 6 weeks after that and take it again in late January 2019, but that would definitely be the last time I take FAR, then I would definitely quit the entire process.

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