Failed REG Again

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  • #3284845

    today I received my score in REG which is 67 and i did it many times ( 36,55,64,72,71,67). My BEC credit expiration will be Aug 14,2020 and I am planning to take the REG again in May 12 which is one month to study. previously normally retaking REG was between two weeks. This time I decided to take one month studying the material in details again. I would like you to give me your thoughts and suggestions in how to study and to improve the score because this is last part to finish CPA.


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  • #3284848

    sorry the credit expiration 2021


    I'm sorry that the time is nearing for your prior credit expiration. I also failed this one with a 69. I have been reading through Another 71 all night and saw people say that within 8 -10 points, you can revisit the weak areas from your score card and try again. I just subscribed to Ninja Notes and I'm halfway through the audio recordings. I plan to study a minimum of 6 hours daily and revisit those areas I felt iffy on during the last exam a bit more rigorously. I'll be doing attempting all multiple choice here and on Wiley again as well as the TBS. My plan is to read the notes every morning and every evening practice, practice practice. Then take many unlimited practice exams to gage my progress. If my trending score is 85 and above in the next 3 weeks, I'm doing the exam again.

    You can do this. Please do not lose hope.



    Lets have a high sense of urgency and get it done next time. It was very painful repassing REG. As you know there are many items to memorize but there are certain concepts that you shouldn't memorize but rather you should know the reason behind it. For instance, tax implications
    to contributions and distributions. Critically analyze your weaknesses and find a solution to it. This can be frustrating as you might not be aware of your weakness but since you've taken them already couple times, you probably know them by now. Good luck


    Thanks for your comments and inspiration. I will go through weakness areas and study 4-6 hours daily with emphasizing on MCQ.


    Don’t panic. I have no idea how you managed to take this exam so many times within 18 months. You are not giving yourself a chance to absorb the material. I suggest you study till early June and start fresh and go through it all. You will not get lucky and pass. Rushing will only get you to your next failure faster. Passing will be the result of focused attention on mcq’s and sims. Print the actual forms and complete them as you work questions. Pull bus law in with other sections rather than study it by itself. Bus law takes too long and you risk forgetting tax while you work through it. Listen to audio when not working mcq’s. Study at lunch and put in the time. Ask questions here. Post the ones you found most challenging and show us how they are done to build confidence. Master basis and distributions for all entity types. August is close but you have time to pass this exam without losing another. Focus, commit and believe you can do this. Set a goal of no more retakes and do what needs to be done. You can do this! Good luck! 🍀

    FAR 7/25/15 76!
    AUD 10/30/15 93
    BEC 2/27/16 82
    REG 5/23/16 88!
    Ninja Book and MCQ and the forum - all the way!!!
    and a little thing i like to call, time and effort!
    if you want things to change, you have to do something different


    Thank you for your response

    What I am doing right now is to go through all materials with watching video for each lesson. Then I will take MCQ as much as I can along with Mock exams.



    do a LOT of multiple choice questions and simulation. don't read through the lectures or watch videos. what i did was make notecards. if i got a question right, no notecard. but if i got a question wrong i would make a notecard for it. i also only did questions one chapter at a time, so i wasn't all over the place. so maybe one chapter every day or every two days so i keep getting questions on the same topics. carry these notecards wherever you go and read through them. if you do enough MC you will notice patterns in where you are lacking knowledge so you can keep reviewing those notecards or making more and more (and make sure you're actually reviewing the notecards)


    Thank you iwanthiscpa

    so no need to go through book and video. Only thing is to go through chapters by MCQ & Stimulations.


    I watched videos when I needed more help on a topic but I mainly focused on mcq’s and sims. Your learning style should drive which materials you use but all you see on the exam are mcq’s and sims. Good luck with REG.

    FAR 7/25/15 76!
    AUD 10/30/15 93
    BEC 2/27/16 82
    REG 5/23/16 88!
    Ninja Book and MCQ and the forum - all the way!!!
    and a little thing i like to call, time and effort!
    if you want things to change, you have to do something different


    yes in my opinion i wouldn't spend time going through the lectures/books only because you are scoring close to the 75. i would do MCs and only look back at a chapter if there's a specific area you want more info on, but i think at this point it won't help much to just sit and read through chapters in their entirety

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