FAILED FAR with 66

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  • #3086085

    I failed FAR again (3rd time) with 66. I prepared even less for REG and got 68. Can someone please tell me what to do? DO i only do MCq’s or do i study everything from the beginning ? I’ve lost my credits because of FAR and am loosing hope !

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  • #3086091

    Hi @srp, I'm sorry that you've lost credit because of FAR, but don't lose hope. It took me 2 times before I passed FAR. At first, I used Wiley only. I feel like I had an understanding of the concept, but not very deep. That was why when an MC got twisted a little, I struggled. On my 3rd time, I started to use Ninja notes and I found it super helpful. Some of my MCs on the exam were just straight from the notes. For SIMs, I just practiced all available SIMs from Wiley and Ninja.
    I think it's difference case by case. But for re-study, I think it's best that you look at your performance report, it will give you a clue on which part you need to work on more. Then from there, aim to re-read notes, do a lot of MCs and SIMs on those parts.
    I also just failed BEC and will be retaking it. You are not on this journey alone, this is not supposed to be easy, but I think if we keep trying, we will get there.


    Thank you @Heihei your encouragement means a lot. I plan on re-studying and will attempt the exam by the end of October.


    FAR was hard for me like many others. I switched from Wiley to Roger after failing FAR the first time. After finishing FAR section on Roger and all the questions and Simulations there – I then used the NINJA notes for review and rewrote all my notes in my own words…. and I did lots of the NINJA MCQ and Simulations. I would say that gave me the extra practice I needed. The simulations are hard to prepare for but hammering MCQ's and then doing as many of the simulations as possible helped me. I had a governmental simulation on the exam that was very close to one I had on the NINJA review. Also, when doing questions and Simulations, read the reasons why you get a question wrong. Try printing out the simulations you get wrong – it helped me look at it on paper for some reason – probably because I was mad at the screen 😉 I also printed out a lot of MCQ's I got wrong…then I would take some notes on that paper underneath the question and take all of those papers and just keep a binder or notebook of THINGS I GOT WRONG and just kept reviewing it. HANG IN THERE. I thought I failed honestly because I am not a good test taker – and ended up passing with a 75 and I'm moving on. HANG IN THERE. Reset and keep going.


    “I prepared even less for REG…”and failed that, too. You will have to prepare more! These are difficult and unique exams. Each one takes their own special preparation and are not to be taken lightly. Study to pass, not fail.

    FAR 7/25/15 76!
    AUD 10/30/15 93
    BEC 2/27/16 82
    REG 5/23/16 88!
    Ninja Book and MCQ and the forum - all the way!!!
    and a little thing i like to call, time and effort!
    if you want things to change, you have to do something different

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