Failed BEC twice now studying for FAR…advice to stay motivated?

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  • #1322020

    Hey guys,

    So I failed BEC twice(got a 71 both times) and now I started studying for FAR and plan to take it in February. Does anyone have any tips/advice on how to stay motivated when you have yet to pass a section? I’m having a hard time staying focused especially since FAR is supposed to be the hardest…makes me feel like I don’t even have a chance :/

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  • #1322092

    Id just stick with one section until you pass. Then you know exactly what it takes to pass a section. 71 is close but there are still underlying concepts missing. Do you use NINJA MCQ?


    My advise to you is to retake the BEC before next April,

    you are very close and BEC is most section going to change in the coming version as FAR is least changeable and not that matter to take it lately


    @kmorawski, I wouldn't jump around from test to test if you failed, take one and stick with it unless you are trying to do two in one window. I would also go ahead and try to pass BEC and REG in the first quarter, even if that means you switch focus now away from FAR since you aren't taking that until February.

    It can be hard to stay motivated, I personally feel you have to give yourself some fun time otherwise you'll burn yourself out. Set goals, and when you hit those goals, treat yo'self (That is a Parks and Rec. reference)! If you never reward yourself for a job well done, you will get discouraged I believe.

    Good luck with studying!

    REG: 80 (02/19/16)
    AUD: 83 (04/11/16)
    BEC: 78 (05/28/16)
    FAR: ?


    I normally like the idea of taking and passing FAR or REG first, but since you still have BEC on your mind. I would keep going strong on that exam. The changes on the exam would have no bearing on whether I take it first especially since there is so little material in comparison. 71 tells me that you are just about on par with the average candidate for BEC so you shouldn’t give up on it. You should just take more time to work on your weakest areas and Ninja MCQ can definitely help with that. Ninja MCQ help to identify all of my weak areas and it’s the only source I used for BEC.


    Keep pounding. Unfortunately it took me 2 years and 7 attempts to get my first pass. Since passing AUD in April 2016, I've passed BEC and FAR taking REG 12/5 hopefully for the 1st and last times


    Thanks for all the responses guys!

    I'm currently using Wiley for the books and MCQ. I was thinking about getting Ninja MCQ because I don't feel like Wiley MCQ are helpful enough. Did you think getting the Ninja MCQs helped you pass? @laxman06 @neaux2135

    Also I would love to take BEC a third time right now, but I can't take it again until next quarter, I already paid for FAR so I was planning to take that and then sit for BEC after. I honestly felt like I understood all the material, and I did all the MCQ Wiley had so studying them a second time for my retake didn't seem to help me

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