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  • #1742829

    Hey guys, just saw my exam score, 70 on audit. Passed 3 parts so far and my previous scores won’t expire until Dec2018. I am looking for some advice or recommendations on how I should go about taking Audit again since the next score release is in July and Audit still fresh in my mind. Was also using Wiley and should I supplement with Ninja? Just trying to pass this exam alreayd. Please help me and thank you for your time!

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  • #1744262

    You passed FAR easy…sigh lucky you. Nothing about these exams has been easy for me. I do have FAR under my belt..for that I’m thankful. AUD has been hard for me too just not entirely sure why.. because I feel like the material itself is not that challenging? Idk

    Thanks for the tips. I’m going to look into both options. Is AUD your last section?


    Thank you all for this advice! I think I'm going to get Ninja . @satyakatiwal I was getting 80/90s on MC but at some point I started to remember questions which could of been an issue. My next question is when should I schedule my next test. I work at a tax firm so things are alittle hectic right now and there is the delay in score release. Trying to figure out how long I should study for again.


    @terrisilva thank you for advice and boost of confidence. It is much needed right now especially after thinking i was prepared going into the exam. Since Ninja is monthly I might go ahead and get it beginning April and possibly schedule exam first week of May. How does that plan sound everyone?


    @allsheneededwassome – I agree with you. I don't feel like the AUD material is difficult. There were a few parts that threw me like the statistical sampling section but overall, I felt like it was remarkably easier than studying for BEC and REG. I got a 72 🙁


    @Joe – I think that is plenty of time since you have already taken it. Really hammer the Mcqs. The sims are too hard to really study for any certain way, but if you watch Bob Monet's videos (Ninja Plus which is part of the study material) it should help. He helped me understand the things I guess I didn't understand fully from the Wiley professors. He is amazing! As long as you can nail down the concepts with the mcqs you should be fine for the sims on the exam.

    I nailed the mcq testlets on the exam this time in an hour and had 3 hours left for sims…the sims were odd. Given how well I knew the material I feel I should have done better than 79 but a pass is a pass! Good luck to you. You can do this with Ninja 😉

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